My TM T16000m DIY mods

I couldn’t find any. I think that it is probably because it is back from July 2020.

Ah! Yes, it’s probably too old.
I edited it for you.

An era is coming to an end.

I have abandoned my modified T16000m.

On 29/12-2023 I ordered a Virpil VPC Constellation Alpha Left Grip and a Warbird base, both back-ordered. When I asked for an ETA, the reply was that they expected to be able to ship the order in the beginning of February. Getting closer!

Back in February 2022 I wrote about my intention of getting 2 Virpil VPC Constellation ALPHA-L grips and 2 VPC MongoosT-50CM2 bases.

1 set with extensions as a Center Joystick and 1 as a SideStick.

As I got to April I found out that I could only afford 1 set, so I got the Center with an S extension and each of the 3 straight extensions, as I was uncertain about what I needed.

SideStick was put on hold.

Then in July 2022 I started collecting LEGO and the SideStick fell to the roadside.

Until Now!

I have not really been using either the T16000m or the VPC CAL as I didn’t fell like setting up DCS or MSFS 2020 with 2 different joystick control layouts for Side and Center sticks and trying to remember what was bound to what.

Eagerly waiting!

Happy Simming