NATO Ministry of Information video thread

Hmmmm…un-viewable for me too except I got a different error.

Nej. Vi låter dig inte titta. Du har gjort enåga saker till Viggens

Strange. :grimacing:


I don’t know for sure myself about copyright issue but I think @wheelsup_cavu is probably correct. I can tell you I’ve really never had a problem with viewing videos on YouTube with music in them, including DCS World videos but I have had this problem with that particular song and music group. What the hell is it with that music group and that particular song?

Pilot safe but taken to hospital for check.

Glad to read that the pilot is safe.


Navy guys, is this guy for real or is he parodying the man?


I suspect parody, but either way he’s AWESOME!!!


Initially I was going to go with a video made for Fo’c’sle Follies - a gathering of the airwing and assorted ship and staff leadership held in the fo’c’sle (that is spelled “Forecastle” for you lubbers). Squadrons do skits and videos and CAG hands out awards for the “line period” - the time the ship as been engaged in daily flight ops - things like squadron with highest landing reads, best maintenance stats, pilots with highest grades (usually an S-3 pilot) and they hand out the centurion patches for 100 traps, 200 traps, etc. Think I’ve seen an 800 traps once.

That said, the over use of the “P-word” would have been a show stopper at Fo’c’sle Follies, especially since the Boss is a post command O5…

Then there was that one time aboard USS GUAM…(adding another to the Sea Stories thread)


RNoAF and big Boned friends…


How the heck did they get an F-35 “plane on a stick” already? Does the RNoAF F-35 squadrons have their own version of a Hangar200 Viggen Lander? :laughing:


Nah. Them plastic jets don’t last that long. Wore one out…
That’s why they have 8 F-35 sims, in Norway. :wink:

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Perhaps with a bit of modification on the simBox NG, they can have 9? :grin:

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As soon as there is a DCS: F-35A module, there will be… :wink:


Wow! DCS’s SuperCarrier looks way better than I thought it would! :open_mouth:


Ships with “lasers”… Apparently 30kW and it takes about 2 seconds to render inoperable a drone or small boat… Also, apparently the laser frequency is invisible to the naked eye, so these videos must be shot in some spectrum that allows for seeing the laser light.



What??? Oh you know somebody was going to do it…might as well be me…after all that is my job here at Mudspike. :grimacing:


What scares me about weapons like that is that they’ll permanently fry your eyesight in under a fraction of a second.

The frequency is somewhere in the infrared range because those waves propagate well in our atmosphere.

Haha unlike bullets or missile fragments that will leave your eyesight intact but will tear your limbs or guts up into confetti. :roll_eyes:

It is an interesting one. it is a bit like with TASERs and law enforcement: they are classified as “non-lethal”, yet there is a probability of lethal complications you have to accept when you set the legal rules of engagement.

There is a risk of the threshold for the use of force getting lower as gradual (yet not risk free) options become available…but I still think that, by and large, it is a good thing to have the options there. As with any new force multipliers, you need to accompany them with the appropriate training and ROE.


I might be wrong here but don’t they call them “less-lethal” to cover themselves with this?