NeoFly - career add-on for MSFS

You start as an ambitious bush pilot who only has access to basic missions. Can you work your way up through the ranks? As you gain money and experience you will be able purchase new aircraft, gain higher qualifications, and fly new mission types!


I have changed the thread from VA to MSFS as there is no possibility atm to create any kind of coalition or VA. at least I didnt find anything written about such possibility in the NF guide.

what is possible is to fly jobs in multiplayer.


For some reason I felt the itch to buy something MSFS related so I jumped on this yesterday.

Bought the whole thing (pack still on sale, 50% off) and the voice addon, so I have everything they offer except the Cleopatra campaign, for 20 bucks.

Installed it (including bing key and so on) but haven’t used it yet.

Any tips for beginners? Known pitfalls?

I admit it is a bit overwhelming and I am not sure what properly ties into the game and what doesn’t.

But it sure sounds cool.


Love it! The guide is pretty good at explaining things. But the basics are easy enough for even me to understand.

Load Neofly. Go to missions. There are various types that you can hover over and a few filters. They should be filtered for your plane’s and pilot’s stats.

Right click on one and select “Fly”.

Go to Flying tab and your mission is here. For now, all the little lights will be amber.

Take note of the passenger and cargo requirement. This is a total weight AFAIK. So, 1 Pax and 190lbs of cargo seems to mean 1 190lb passenger (BTW, YOU are always 170lbs
congratulations! You look great! :grin:). Also, cargo may (must in a 152) be put in the Pax seat. So this is really a weight mini game. If you are wrong, you will see on the flying page how over or short you are of weight.

Also, on the settings tab, there’s a choice for auto fuel. If you click it, NF will sync your tanks with the sim.

You will probably default to half tanks unless you remember in MSFS to initially fill them. In any case, you will see the fuel load in the Hangar tab. Slide the slider and click the little button and you will “buy” fuel. Next to that there are also two little green (hopefully) lights. That’s your Hull and Engine status. Should be 100% now, but will degrade over time.

OK! Load the sim. Pick same plane as you have in NF. Go to the world screen and select the same airport as in NF. Load weather as desired. Pull up the weights screen in MSFS. Load the Pax/Cargo as per above. If you had checked the auto fuel setting in NF, ignore the fuel weight
it will be synched shortly.

Tab back to NF. Click fly or start
mission or whatever it says on the second line there, all lights should be green if everything is working as it should.

Back in MSFS, you will hear the sounds and dispatcher talking to you. If you loaded NeoPad it will have its own icon up in the options bar. Pull that up and you basically have a little EFB showing your destination. This is especially helpful when you are doing a mission to a non-airport location. Fly the flight. There are several bonus objectives that include soft landings, not over banking, getting close to a crash site, etc, that you can look up if you wish.

Most mission completions are tied to the parking brake, both loading and unloading. In any case the voice will tell you what you need to do. The NeoPad has a tab of triggering events, so you know that you are completed.

Go back to NF and you should have more money if you succeeded. Refuel and repair the plane if you just pounded the plane into a pasture like me. I think you need to have the engine off to refuel AFAIK.

Go back to the Mission tab.



Great fun! Especially the rescue missions. I’ve landed on a motorway track, up the side of a box canyon, and in someone’s back yard
mostly, on that last one. :innocent:

There’s a lot more depth, but this will get you started!


I did a couple of missions.

Nice so far.

But I need a faster plane. I think I added the Turbo Arrow IV to the database correctly. Now I only need a bit of money.


The quickest way to get a cash inject is to get to an exploration point
you just have to land near it and then head home. They are marked by a magenta exclamation mark icon on the map
you just get one per day and the placement is random
which means they are often at sea (sometimes way out there). I just hit today’s and netted a cool $1.1M of Gold. :slight_smile: You have to be on a mission to make the exploration point work
 it’s all explained in the manual.


I could read the manual, yeah

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The only reason I mentioned the manual is that the exploration points require a separate mission to be active. I usually just pick something as close as possible to the exploration point.

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Yes, but then you’ll miss the subtle pleasures of frustratingly pounding on the keyboard because you can’t get something to work
which is clearly explained on page 3. :grin:


read the manual and am really trying but, ‘stuck’ on the parachutist mission; every one is loaded and we get to the point where 3 thousand feet from the jump altitude the lady says they are beginning final preps. takes me a good few more min to climb to that alt so I circle the zone and at 10k fly over and put on my parking brake.


Maybe I didn’t load my payload properly? It’s green on the status board but has the note “current payload: 340 Due:170 Missing: -170.”

It’s a 3 PAX Mission and I loaded my plane with myself at 170, and 3 pax at 170. That message didn’t change but the light is green so
I guess that’s right? (VERY confusing way to communicate the status of the sim - neofly connection)

I have yet to fly a paradrop, so I’m afraid that I can’t be much help.

From the weight though, it sounds like you have more than the necessary load.

It seems several of the missions have very specific and sometimes non-intuitive triggers.

I actually asked about a helo add on in the Discord and I got a response within 20 min. Probably you’re missing something that everyone misses because it’s not obvious so they’ll identify it right off.

Yeah same here.
So far I have only flown cargo and sensitive cargo missions.

Gah, sometimes the world is cruel.

I just flew two missions of 40 minutes each.

The first ended when on landing the sim had a hiccup and thought I crashed. (I had a LOT of space there, I am sure I didn’t crash. Maybe a faulty hit box of some object). No pay.

I then flew another one, a sensitive cargo. I landed with 202fpm, 200 is the limit. No pay. AAAAARGH.