AI Teammates to make a return.
I got into the technical test last weekend. Not a full beta yet, but already showing great promise.
If you liked Wildlands, you will like this as IMO it has improved in almost every way. If you didn’t, I guess it depends on what you didn’t like about it as far as whether you like Breakpoint or not.
That’s encouraging. I was afraid that Ubi took the sci-fi aspect a little too far. I don’t mind a certain amount of space-age stuff (I played Future Soldier for heaven’s sake) but I’m glad to hear they took a winning formula and improved it.
It’s not the GR of old, but in truth, that wouldn’t sell today.
To be fair, the test was early game hours only. So I can’t say definitively there won’t be some Crysis-style change in it later on that results in a tonal shift.
However, based on the marketing I have seen so far I don’t believe that to be the case. You still have your drone and the enemy drones are maybe a bit OP in some ways but it’s a progression from Wildlands not a revolution.
The healing is a definite change in how you play.
Tried some of the Beta on Thursday night and a little last night before it ended and it’s not good… They’ve turned it into a Division lite looter shooter. I have nothing against looter shooters, I play most of them and enjoy them but Ghost Recon shouldn’t be one. I grew to like Wildlands after the initial shock of how different it was to the GR we all knew and love, not great but passable IMO.
Breakpoint on the other hand… Seems like Ubi have taken parts from all their games and shoved it all into GR and it doesn’t work. Animations are bad, can’t change from back to front seat or get into the turret of applicable vehicles, sticking to cover, picking up plants etc making it into a survival game lite, having to deal with drones which is annoying in any game… Just bad IMO.
Considering all the survival mods made for Arma 3, I’m not surprised. That said, I’ve ignored that stuff so far and it’s not mattered. I’ve gone running around for over 24 hours in game (based on day/night cycle) without needing to sleep, eat, or drink.
The looter shooter stuff is inevitable, it’s how they make them currently, but I don’t find it that distracting. You can again ignore it if you want to. Wildlands had way more guns than you needed, I got a set of 3 not even halfway through and never switched again. This adds levels to them, but you can usually find a better version of the same one you have without too much effort.
A lot of the differences seem more cosmetic than integral and if you want to play it like you played Wildlands it will let you. Vehicles/turrets seem the same as Wildlands to me as well.
Only the uber enemy drones in some areas do I find too much. An artificial way to “wall off” sections of the map until you get to a point in the story progression or leveling I think.
Played the beta.
Canceled my pre-order.
@PFunk Care to share why? I’m asking because I have it on my list of games to get but I’m on the fence due to my experience with Wildlands.
Personally, I don’t see a large amount of difference between Wildlands and Breakpoint. I am honestly baffled by people who feel there is one because the changes all seem like minor things to me.
Except the visuals, those definitely got upgraded for the better. The health mechanic just makes it a bit more like Arma/H&D (as no Tom Clancy games ever had healing…wait did Splinter Cell? I can’t recall) but I don’t really think adds or subtracts to the game, it’s just different.
But then I often feel that way when people see the sequel to a film and say it’s far worse than the original when I think it’s like a half-star worse. They’ll say the original is 4 stars and the sequel 1.5-2 while to me it was like the original was 3 stars and the sequel 2.5. Or maybe 3.5 and 3.
My opinions just aren’t that volatile. The best Quake game compared to the worst? I’d give them a 1-star spread from top to bottom. Same with Doom.
Same with Ghost Recon.
I played both the GRB OTT and the recent Beta and I absolutely loathe this game. It is a crude, clunky cash-grab with awful mechanics, weak, non-tactical combat, cover and movement and a whole lot of brain-dead busy-work looting and upgrading stuff, the idea of which is to keep you playing when the core game is weak as hell. There is so little true single-player content that it’s almost fraudulent to sell this thing as a SP game at all and all campaign immersion is broken beyond repair when your character, supposedly stranded alone behind enemy lines on a deserted island, gets to spend all his time between missions in a cheesy social hub with about 50 other “stranded” players and a bunch of gun stores. It’s a lazy, sloppy excuse for a tac-shooter and it’s the height of cynicism for Ubi to be selling it under the Ghost Recon banner. It deserves to fail miserably and I think it will, judging from the response in the official forums and it has no redeeming features at all, it’s simply trash, a new low. Do not encourage this kind of shabby exploitation of fellow gamers but giving Ubi your money for this garbage, it’s horrible.
Ha, yeah. I didn’t care for it.
Wow. The E3 hype made it seem like Breakpoint would be much better than Wildlands and that it would finally offer what players have been asking for. Based on comments and experiences from this forum, methinks I will pass on this one. I may consider it if it ever reaches bargain bin pricing.
You might find this amusing. I did.
Ghost Recon Breakpoint BETA review: God awful garbage with bloated menus and dull gameplay
Trying the open beta last night and I still don’t like it. They changed the animations and a couple of other things but the failures go deeper than that, there’s really no game here.
A lot of Youtubers are giving the game negative reviews. Consensus seems to be that the game is beautiful but the game play mechanics, design choices, and bugs kills it. I actually planned on getting it until I started seeing the coverage.
I’m not surprised about any of the above. I deleted the game before the OB came along. What’s the consensus on the Ubi forum? It’s not the dullness or mediocrity of the game that irritates me as much as the cynicism involved in taking the GR brand and slapping it onto a bad looter-shooter with awful, grindy gameplay, no real tactics, no friendly AI because they couldn’t be bothered (even though they are trying to sell it as a singleplayer game) and, thanks to the idiotic social hub, no immersion.
If only a game that good looking would still bear the gameplay of the original Ghost Recon (2001)…
So, here’s a thing… I had it preordered on PS4 from the digital store way back and was planning to cancel but thought I’d play the open beta and see if anything major had changed before I did.
It hadn’t but I played for quite a few hours but send an email to Sony to cancel. I’d forgotten that the preload started on Sunday and Sony had still not answered my email, so it started preloading which is an instant no refund! Oh…
But! I was still playing it, and I was enjoying it… Hmmm ok, I guess that worked out ok lol and I do actually like it. It’s not GR but I’m playing and enjoying it for what it is (which most would say is a load of crap). Funny how things work out lol.