New Virpil joystick base coming?

I have this beast here and very happy with it.
I never tried a Brunner but who tried both says it is much better (and cheaper)


Did you assemble it yourself, or did it come all together?

I really like my Brunner, but I wish it was 5x stronger and DX FFB compatible.

It did come together. (He sell also diy kits with motors and electronics only)
It costed me 800 euros + shipping
As I wrote above I didn’t try the Brunner but on Walmis’s Discord (walmis is an Ed forum user and the creator of the Rhino FFB base) there is people which used both and reported that the Rhino is much stronger and doesn’t suffer from some sort of a stamina effect.
Surely I can use it for hours without losing any strength (it has also active cooling)


Interesting! Yeah, I can’t jack up the force in the Brunner for long without it tripping the heat safeguards.

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My father-in-law and brother-in-law use MS FFB2 for DCS, it’s especially nice in the helicopters and the Mustang. They have a stash of reserve FFB2 joysticks in the basement.
Brother in law switched to using X-56 for the jets but still uses the FFB for helos and ww2 birds


Now This! Is information i can use :grinning:
Thank you
So will my MSFFB2 fit the same base as Thrustmaster/ Virpil base ? :rofl: :rofl:


OMG it has an external belt system??

Does it have a muffler? After how many (simulated) hours must you change the oil??

I should add that the original reason for using the FFB2 stash was some very serious Condor competition flying. I have been told that if you are serious about Condor, FFB is not optional.

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Nooooo. Not optional. Friends in Sweden simmed w it
 These friends,