So with all the buzz about the Aerosoft CRJ being released for MSFS - I wanted to take a (very) quick look at the very old JRollon CRJ-200 for X-Plane. I think it was released almost 10 years ago for X-Plane 10 and updated for X-Plane 11…though really it was mostly a compatibility update moreso than polishing it up.
As such - this plane is pretty old…so might be a bargain purchase for a CRJ “experience”…but don’t think you are getting every bell and whistle!
Mostly I wanted to fire it up to test my memory about the size of the displays and the deep-set instrument panel that I recalled the plane having. @fearlessfrog had brought that up as one possible concern with the Aerosoft/MSFS version for those of us in VR - the font, size, and distance of the MFDs is pretty substantial. I don’t own the Aerosoft one yet, so this has nothing to do with that.
3D model is still pretty good!
Yup - just as I remember it - a deep and dark instrument panel, small displays, but the font wasn’t quite as small as I thought it was. And, with the HP Reverb G2 - I found it fairly well readable.
Taxiing out of Flagstaf…
I did a full startup using just my Reverb controls and it worked well with all of the buttons and knobs responding to the controllers as one would expect. The sounds on this plane are superb…from the engines to the fans to the clanking and clatter of coffee pot and galley stuff as you are rolling down the runway (or is it the lav falling apart…did the -200 have a galley?)…
Flight performance is good and fun - with flaps out the 200 (as modeled by JRollon anyway) is a bit of a dog…particularly at the high altitude of Flagstaff. Trim speed seems a bit slow, but makes you stay ahead of the plane. The drone of the engines seems well modeled. I wagged speeds and flew around the pattern at 160 and the final approach at 140 and all seemed well - even showing that characteristic CRJ nose down pitch attitude on the final that so many of us old school pilots find disconcerting…
Cockpit 3D modeling is good…probably looks a bit better in these pics than it does in-game. The CRTs have a bit too much convexity to them…but they look fine unless you peek at them at high angles close to the instrument panel…
The panel lettering is a bit hard to read - simply because the cockpit lettering textures are not very high resolution. I’ll have to check around to see if there is a high resolution mod… Great looking aircraft at night though.
So there you have it…your NOT Aerosoft CRJ for MSFS mini-revival-review…(in VR!)
Available HERE
…and this might be what I’m looking for:
EDIT - actually this other texture file is way better and clearer…