Microsoft usually use major DX version jumps to force users to upgrade to newer versions of Windows. I haven’t worked with either API yet but what I read is that Vulkan is much more platform agnostic, so we are talking older versions of Windows as well as possibly even UNIXes like Linux or macOS. It’s also an open standard, with all the ups and downs that come with that.
I’m glad the cards are becoming available now, but I don’t regret buying in October when I lucked out on one. Who knows what the future holds, enjoy it while you can.
The world hates me. Card wasn’t supposed to be delivered until Tuesday earliest. It’s on a truck to be delivered today. We are going out today. Chances are I am not getting it until Monday now lol. Teaaaase.
I can not remember the last time they actually followed through on a signature required notation. Around here they drop it off wherever it is convenient for them and the delivery person takes a picture as proof of delivery to send to you if you call back to tell them that you did not get it.
UPS should just start gps tagging shipments for a fee,
I’ve seen 1st hand, a delivery driver drop a box, fake my signature, take a picture and send it to me saying it’s by my door, then pickup same package and take back with him outside, and give to a friend he had tailing him to put in his car.