The climb up to FL360 is awfully quick - the Rolls-Royce/Snecma Olympus 593 engines are howling to be set free and romp through the upper Mach, but I have to keep the autothrottle set at M 0.95 to avoid any extensive paperwork.
Passing over Picacho Peak, home of Rooster Cogburn’s famous Ostrich Ranch, but don’t pass up a Monster Truck ride, if you get the chance! While the ride itself is pretty benign, it takes you through some pretty Sonoran countryside, and the inner workings of a real ostrich ranch. We got to see some day-old ostrich chicks on our last romp through here.
Phoenix is not impressive from 36,000 ft. Some say it doesn’t get any better the closer you get!
Microsoft’s rendition of the Grand Canyon! To be fair, this is in global scenery that was created in 2006, but ugh.
Hi, Salt Lake City! … Good bye, Salt Lake City!