Official Inaugural Mudspike Christmas Flight thread

The climb up to FL360 is awfully quick - the Rolls-Royce/Snecma Olympus 593 engines are howling to be set free and romp through the upper Mach, but I have to keep the autothrottle set at M 0.95 to avoid any extensive paperwork.

Passing over Picacho Peak, home of Rooster Cogburn’s famous Ostrich Ranch, but don’t pass up a Monster Truck ride, if you get the chance! While the ride itself is pretty benign, it takes you through some pretty Sonoran countryside, and the inner workings of a real ostrich ranch. We got to see some day-old ostrich chicks on our last romp through here.

Phoenix is not impressive from 36,000 ft. Some say it doesn’t get any better the closer you get! :wink:

Microsoft’s rendition of the Grand Canyon! To be fair, this is in global scenery that was created in 2006, but ugh.

Hi, Salt Lake City! … Good bye, Salt Lake City!