OnAir - another VA app that mixes Air Hauler 2 and FSEconomy

I started the free trial yesterday and found it fairly easy to set up. Your account does not need to match your MSFS2020 login which helps me anyway.
I did the tutorial which when completed gives you a free plane and some large bags of cash.
I started in Gerona in northern Spain North of Barcelona and inland.
My first hop went fine after I worked out how to add cargo, its a check box BTW
If course I immediately went looking for jobs and clicked without thought on a cargo mission. Doh its in 2 parts to 2 different airfields at about 85nm
Trouble is the cargo is 2 different weights. I managed the first leg down to Barcelona and returned to pick up the 2nd load which turned out to be too heavy for my 172. I then searched for a better plane to hire and found a T3 (tauber?)
Save time at the start of your career and click on the teleport option so you don’t have your virtual pilot have to take a 1 and a half hour bus ride :roll_eyes:
I will post screens when I am back at the pc

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Well it’s been a few days since the last update, so maybe it is time to drop a new post in here. Work has been interfering with long(er) duration flight sim time.

I spent a little bit exploring the Company Skill Tree area of OnAir.

I can’t remember if I mentioned this earlier, but under the Pending Jobs section of the app, there is a ‘Mission’ listed. These missions are the fastest way to get the XP you need to be able to buy skills in the Company Skill Tree.

These missions form a chain. When yo complete one, another will be spawned that adds some complication. In the above case, you can see the ‘Mission’ with the ‘Regenerate’ button next to it in the list. This mission is a fairly straight forward one to make a cargo delivery to KSEA, it gives 1000xp and 5000 buckaroos, so lets just get that out of the way.

I am trying to plan these missions right, because I inevitably forget something. I figure that if I can wrap a procedure around it, I will not continuously forget to check the weather at the destination or some other critical step in having a safe flight :slight_smile:

Pretty straight forward, except for the other player traffic at KSEA that was operating with even looser rules that I do :slight_smile:

I get my rewards and a new mission is generated. In this case, it is as multi stop flight that I will have to figure out an efficient path for.

On to the Company Skill tree to unlock some skills.This system is somewhat more robust than Air Hauler, but separates out certifications for your employees into their own thing, and adds Company Management Skills related to … well the subjects in the next screenshot.

The best place to get info on these is in the manual. After you pick one, a tool tip appears to explain what it is … which is less that useful as you have already picked it and you need to ‘Undo’ it before you can check another one.

I originally went with the Passenger License when I started my career. That unlocks, you guessed it, passengers. With my two new skill points I am going to unlock the Hiring Agreement and the FBOs. Agreement. These skills will let me hire another pilot and create an FBO.

The FBOs (which I think stands for Flight Business Office), allows you to set up a repair shop and gas station.

If you go to an airport, you can see a list of FBOs available on the top right. If you do not have one, there will be a ‘Create FBO’ button in the top right. Once you click that, you will get a screen allowing you to configure the FBO and then request a quote. The quote looks like this, and depending on what you select, the cost will vary:

Once that is complete, you can go back to your FBO. The greyed out buttons (arrows) indicate that work is in progress but this should give you an idea what you can do.

Some of these (hangars, crew rooms) are not ‘functional’ at the moment. Others are fairly straight forward. With TieDown spots, you can save on overnight parking fees. FBOs also reduce your landing fees at the airport you have chosen. The portion in the top right can be used to order fuel, and the value in the top left tells you how much you have on-hand and how much capacity you have.

The interesting section is in the bottom right. This section lets you set up a ‘route preference’ where you will get jobs that pay decently along the parameters that you have selected. In this case, I am asking for jobs toward the North, under 50nm away. I a pretty sure that I changed this, but I don’t have a screenshot at the moment.

The next new thing from my Company Skills selection is to hire an AI pilot. This is the same as Air Hauler, really. I chose one with a good balance of Punctuality versus Stress Resistance. I was happy with a pilot with more Stress Resistance, as I figure that is more critical than being on time.

Nicole will do nicely. And she has a broad range of certifications that I can make use of.

First thing I am going to do here is get my idle 172 flying and generating some income.

You need to pay attention to the jobs boar, however, as jobs with the ‘person outline’ are ones that only you can do. If there is no little blue person, then either you or the AI can do it.

Once I have a mission taken, I can go to the regular ‘Get Ready to Fly’ screen, set everything up and put Nicole in the pilots seat.

Note the ‘Select an AI pilot’ section along the bottom in Step 4.

Clicking on ‘Launch Flight When Ready’, and she will wait for the cargo/passengers to load and head off.

Obviously, she flies this according to the map and really, it does not try to depict a realities flight but guesses at the flight time and just moves her icon along it.

All of the same costs and revenues apply. So, it is as you would expect. Next time I will take a look at my FBO mission. I flew it a few days ago, and it will be part of the next instalment of OnAir Season 1 :slight_smile:


That’s great I got a good start but only with the free trial. I guess I will subscribe though as it is a nice addition to the aim
And reading the above will be a huge help thanks @Fridge

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Really nice…that thing has a great planner!

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Wait. Which planner are you talking about?

I guess I more meant the manifest / location / map pane layout. It is definitely richer looking than Air Hauler 2…

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Hi guys have you come across this yet? A free Bush pilot career

Might have to give it a go