One Aircraft a Month

I would love to arrange a lesson. Great to have someone in the back seat telling you whats what

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I was thinking of some briefing material or what that might look like.


I was thinking about that too - Chuck’s guides go without saying but it might not be a bad plan to quickly compile a few good videos and resources (checklists if available etc) to the thread before the month starts: do it collectively so we don’t all have to go hunting for the good stuff individually.

Some quick reference bullet points (key speeds, engine management etc.) would be handy to have too.

A start up list would be useful and the grim reapers have several videos devoted to most aircraft covering the basics, as well as others obviously

Once multicrew is available in the huey and hip I will gladly offer my services as trainer

You want checklists…I got checklists

Like s**tloads

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I’d actually suggest a pool of three – one prop, one early-mid jet, and one modern jet. Pick and choose from those three since not everyone will have everything, then rock and roll. I don’t have the F-5 for example or the Fw-190D-9.

Puts hand in air and says “Helicopters?”

Ok I’ll close the door on the way out :slight_smile:


Helicopters are so very limited at the moment, though. And the Gazelle is just… Well, we won’t talk about the Gazelle.

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I’d like to cover them all, really. Jets, props and rotary birds (as long as I can all pretend that you push for power). :slight_smile:

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Oh hey! I agree… The Huey and the Mi8 are a hOoOt to fly! :smiley:


I know we did do a poll not long ago…but why don’t I set up a poll specifically towards the ppl interested in this with all the modules and let’s see who has what as the first step.

We won’t achieve 100% inclusion with every module but certainly would be nice if the first month was open to as many who show interest as possible.

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I really ought to learn helicopters properly now that I got my rudder situation sorted.


You definitely need to. Some of my favourite moments have been in DCS Helicopters. Nearly shot down @NEVO accidentally after he spent his time explaining how to arm the weapons… took a heater from @Navynuke99 soon after as well.
Crashed into an oil rig at extremely low altitude over the sea while checking the map.
They are so much fun.


I’m never living that down, am I?


When Black Shark 3 comes out, or whatever it’s called, I think that would be a great time to cover the Ka-50. Likewise the A-10C after its update comes out.




I am not sure about a poll or trying to be inclusive. I think that rotating through each month means that people may miss a month or more depending on the modules that they have, but that is going to happen anyway.

To me, this is all about ‘just choosing one and getting on with it for a month’. And if that is obscure or unpopular modules, I’m ok with that :slight_smile:

That’s not to say ‘Don’t do a poll’, as I will be doing this regardless :slight_smile:

I don’t think that we need more choice. Nothing stops anyone from doing what they want, or picking anything, really. For me it is all about removing choice. :slight_smile:

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Oh good grief. I quoted the wrong paragraph. Let me try this again.

This. :face_with_head_bandage:

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I like the idea of focusing on a single module for a month, but I prefer a more individual approach.

One module that I like but really haven’t learned in any depth is the Mirage… so that will be my project module for February. Time to download the latest version of Chuck’s guide. :sunglasses:


And the missions @Baltic_Dragon wrote for it (training and campaign), those alone should teach you all you need to know to be a dashing knight of the sky in your refined hunk of French metal. :fr: :wine_glass: :baguette_bread:

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