Looks like Meigs then? Yum.
So ‘Project A’ was, of course, Aerofly 2. We can put away the enigma machines now. More info here.
150 FPS at 4k apparently.
Looks like Meigs then? Yum.
So ‘Project A’ was, of course, Aerofly 2. We can put away the enigma machines now. More info here.
150 FPS at 4k apparently.
Well, they didn’t say which hardware configuration it was, but that’s pretty impressive!
…Also that looks great. I wonder whether it was a bad decision to choose X-plane11…
Looks pretty cool!
Especially cool since it was here it all started for me, in SubLogic Flightsim for the C=64…
We’ve come a long way. http://mujweb.cz/havlikjosef/galery/AppleIIFSII_1.PNG
SubLogic Flight Simulator for the Apple 2e was my third computer game. (Castle Wolfenstein and Choplifter being 1st and 2nd). I have so many takeoffs, landings and crashs at Meigs.