I don’t know at all if I am at the right place to create this topic, but I joined on this site only to thank CHUCK for the magnificent work he made with his “Prepar3D Guide Leonardo SoftHouse MD-82 Madddog”.
I shall have to go to see his other realizations and I hope that one day he will create a guide for B717 of TFdi.
Once again thank you for this great tutorial
Forgive my bad english speaking, I’m french (nobody’s perfect !)
Glad you could join us…and yes, @Chuck_Owl has been the savior of many virtual pilots. I could have used a Hornet manual from him earlier tonight! I’m pretty sure I broke some sensitive US Navy electronics…
Pas de soucis, bougnat! Ravi que ça t’ait filé un coup de pouce. Pour le 717 ça va forcément venir un jour… faudra juste être un poil patient. Il y a un paquet d’autres guides en cours de rédaction.
P.S. Your english is fine, don’t worry about it 
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