Pilot Question(s) from a new DCS User

Thats great, I hope you enjoy it and for sure it will be very useful in your virtual air wars :wink: That book is a master piece in the genre. Sadly the author died last year from Covid complications, BUT he had +/-100 years old
Thanks for the feedback
Best and kindest regards

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I really appreciate this statement (as I have never heard it like this before), for a few reasons;

  • The skill level for anyone attempting to achieve anything (in their field / sector) is a testament to the time one has put into training / study. It is difficult to not have respect for an enemy (at least in some capacity) that is better than you at your own game, for example.
  • Shows the importance of continuing the need to train in order to maintain the level you wish to maintain. I have not had the opportunity to ride my motorcycle as much the past 11 months. A few weeks back when I went off to the canyons, well its safe to say I am not as good as I was 11 months ago!

Damn, It sucks knowing the author recently passed.
But for his age, I hope he lived a full and successful happy life.

Well, after really debating between the Jets with myself, the AV-8B was a close second to the F-14 that I decided I will tackle on first. Who’s to say in the future, I won’t pick up and figure out the AV-8B or eve the F/A-18.

I think one thing I really want to get out of DCS is to also experience what it is like to have a RIO (and to be one). I find it special to have two people who have spent good time figuring out the plane they are in and overcoming missions together.

Robert L Shaw (Mouse) passed away in 2017, way before the COVID pandemic. He was 69.

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Way too long.

You can’t go wrong with a Heatblur product. The Tomcat is a stellar module, which I can never recommend enough.

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You right Thanks !!!
Its the problem of googling too fast :smiley:

What i found was this:


Very similar name and also on fighters

Anyway, sadly both died ;(

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Awesome to hear!

I know this shouldn’t matter for most people, but it is very reassuring to know the HOTAS that I am using is the same one described in your guide. So keybinding(s) should be a breeze for the F-14. Otherwise, I will have no idea (other than axis commands) on which buttons I should bind to the HOTAS (an issue I am experiencing in the F15C).

Thank you for the correction, @PaulRix!

@stavka I have this problem too, lol.

@EasternSnap I’ll RIO for you

I had one of the best experiences of my DCS life having @Franze RIO for me. Its amazing working as a team in the best fighter jet ever created.

Yes. It. Is.

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Brother, I am totally down man!

Eventually I can RIO too so you can fly. Its best to figure out everything I guess LOL!
Hey but its very normal to always hear “Over-G” when I’m flying the F15C for fun. I’m no Evel Knievel, but sometimes I think I am. Don’t worry though, I know its not just me in the aircraft. :laughing:

Let me get the DLC and figure out the very minor gist of it; then we can move forward together.
I will be sending you a message on here too. We can figure out the Discord thing later (I have a server as well that is free to share).

This is awesome, I actually get to fly a plane with somebody!

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Is there space for another Tomcat n00bz?


I actually know the systems extremely well in the Cat, but I’m not a great pilot. I can more than hold my own against ground targets and BVR but I’m awful at BFM in it.
Sitting in the back is a great experience builder for flying it as well. Always busy back there and spotting targets rolling in on you without being able to evade yourself is a very adrenaline burning experience.
Happy to help and take in turns.
As an aside, my Oculus is not playing ball at the moment so sitting in pancake mode and playing radar is actually quite satisfying


Why not? :crazy_face:


Brilliant! When?


Schurems Fightclub on Sunday?

I can also do Friday evening, starting around 20:00 CEST


Oooooh this is gonna be fun.


@Victork2 Any plan with the F-14 is a good plan for me!
I got the DLC last night before going to bed. Obviously it will take me some time to get a grasp of it but whenever you want to fly let me know. Our time zones are quite different (as I am from US, California) but we can definitely work it out :smiley:

@Victork2 I was reading your profile too, you make it obvious that you love the Tomcat. I think that is really cool knowing how passionate you are about this specific aircraft, I know it adds a special degree of joy to your DCS experience whereas other planes might night.

@komemiute ABSOLUTELY! The more the merrier. I will fly with you too bud.
I keep hearing of this Fight Club, so whatever is happening I will be there.
What time does Fight Club start so I can set this event for my time zone.

Anyone that wants to fly the F14 with me, send me a message on here letting me know you sent me a friend invite on Steam (so that I know who is sending invites to me on steam) and we can connect. Flying with people will make the learning curve so much sweeter, thanks fellas!

Steam ID: EasternSnap

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Is Fightclub always hosted by the same member here at Mudspike?

Is the Time / Time Zone for Flightclub usually 20:00 CEST?

May you please direct me to the page with all of the Flightclub information so I know the Do’s and Don’ts? I am a complete noob, the last thing I want to do here is something stupid lol. I may even take work off on Friday early to make it to my first FC, if I am able to finish enough work this week.

Maybe I’ll hop in too if I don’t finish work too late.