Problems & Solutions!

I don’t know if it’s really necessary but sometimes we encounter problems with our games and some blessed soul helps us solve it- hell sometimes we do it ourselves.

I thought of putting here -as the title very subtly suggests- what hit me and how I overcame it.

This is not about bugs encountered in game (which are firmly in the hands of the developers) but merely what we sort of cause ourselves (PBKAC), or maybe more often, belongs on the end-user side of things.


Game Name

  • P:

DCS World

  • P: On startup there’s a light blue box with a list of modules that somehow can’t be activated or ownership can’t be confirmed for
    S: The PC has the wrong time. Right Mouse button on the date/time on the taskbar, select “adjust date& time” and select Sync Now
  • P: Massive stutters during gameplay
    S: Disable / enable CPU cores (last core works for me) after you load into a mission


  • P: Track IR doesn’t get recognized- it works with every other game except Elite Dangerous. (Identified by lack of blue LED at the bottom of the camera)
    S: The TrackIR software must be installed in the C: drive (This was a female dog to troubleshoot… :man_facepalming: )

  • P: Crash to Desktop with this error (WIP)
    S: Reduce the size of the Virtual Memory (Pagefile on HDD/SSD) to the suggested size. (I swear to god, I got the weirdest problems with ED lately!)

MSFS 2024 (PC version)

  • P: Stuck at 68% at initial loading / long loading times
    S: Disable network adapter, run the game, after splashscreens when the Warning screen comes on enable network adapater - note that this doesn’t always works


  • P: Crash during the black screen loading of the login page. (WIP)
    S: Update GPU drivers and reboot the PC.


  • P: Under load every game (high performance software) runs slower than it Can be especially noticeable when the game is loading.
    S: This one is kind of obvious but sometimes we look for technical solutions when the problem is ‘mechanical’ - check your PC fans/filters/screens for clogging. You may get your ‘new’ PC back. This problem can creep up on you.

May also be your thermal paste - between the CPU/GPU and the cooling apparatus. The life of this substance varies. There are many YouTube videos on how to reapply.


Cool idea, here are few from me:

DCS World

  • P: Massive stutters during gameplay
    S: Disable / enable CPU cores (last core works for me) after you load into a mission

MSFS 2024 (PC version)

  • P: Stuck at 68% at initial loading / long loading times
    S: Disable network adapter, run the game, after splashscreens when the Warning screen comes on enable network adapater - note that this doesn’t always works

Great idea! Could you make the OP a wiki so we can keep organised rather than having it spread through the comments?

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AH! I forgot about that! Done!

EDIT: @damson I took the liberty to put your P&S in the first post- that’s now a Wiki.

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I love you man!


So for us semi computer illiterate types, do I reply to first post to add entry or ‘edit’ button there?


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Hahaha I’m glad!

Wait it was aimed at me? :smiley: Glad to be of service.

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