Pricing up the parts individually makes it seem like a good price for a very big jump in performance for me as I can’t afford a 3 series card at current prices.
I9 9900K @ 4.8Ghz
H80I CPU Water cooler
32GB 3000Mhz Corsair Vengeance RAM
Samsung 1TB M.2 SSD
Corsair 1000w PSU
MSI 2080Ti 11GB GPU(Water-cooled)
NZXT GPU Bracket
H55 GPU water cooler
Windows 10 Installed
Corsair spec Alpha Case
The H80i cooler is at its limit with the 9900K CPU so you could consider upgrading that.
The complete package is very nice and should give you a lot of quality gaming time.
Just fired up the Reverb in steam Vr and the difference between that and my CV1 is ridiculous.
I’ve got to go to work in a bit so I’ll have to try DCS tomorrow after it’s done downloading but I’m super excited. This is a gigantic step up for me. Very pleased so far.
I think I agree about the cooler, but it does seem stable at the moment so no great rush
I reckon I had a good deal. I can’t wait to try it properly.
Everyone is happy as well, wife and Obi get my old one and the rift. And I can finally get my new office set up without having to assemble and disassemble my flying gear each time which Is a real PITA.
I know the tech has moved on a bit and I’m still not exactly “cutting edge” but the difference made me actually gasp.
The guy was really nice, total flightsim nerd like all of us and had just built a new rig with a 3090 in it.
Couldn’t be more helpful and friendly. Showed me it running, did a benchmark or 2 and was just top notch as I was obviously worried about buying 2nd hand. But the whole thing was wonderful.
The reverb was the icing on the cake. I would of needed to replace my cv1 at some point in the future so it all worked out great.
Congratulations Ace! Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. You scored a sweet, sweet deal there bud. That box is going to serve fine for quite some time.
Thanks mate, I’m over the moon can’t wait for next fight club. Gonna get my sabre out the hanger tomorrow after work and put her through her paces without blurry drunk vision mode engaged! So happy!
Congrats! Indeed a very good deal.
Do keep an eye on that cooler, however. Those units have been spotted leaking fluid when they get older.
Probably only one in several hundreds, but still it would be a shame to have your other components killed due to water leaking.