RAZBAM: A7 Corsair II

Confirmed to be in the works and a long long time awaaaaaay

More content on their Facebook page: Redirecting...


AAARGH! So close to the A6 and yet sooo far.


So when does the Final Countdown start?


Vought planes for the Vought God!

70’s jets for the 70s CVW!


Cough cough Crusader cough cough

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It took a lot of scrolling through the razbam facebook page (they post a lot! which is good) but I really wanted to make your day, so I found it…

But unfortunatly as far as we know a couple of projects are on hold, awaiting the completion of the A2G radar by ED. That includes the A-6 and F-15E.


While I don’t disagree, for that we need some SCB refit Essex boats. I’m fine flushing out the big deck CVW for the relative near term.

I’d comfortably add the A-7 to that list as well. Which is sad, because I often feel the need to shower things in 24 Mk-82s while traveling at high subsonic speeds.


I knew that, which made me even more unhappy.
But realistically- It’s ok, I still have to fly enough the modules I have, much less buy a new one…

That said, lovely pics, nevertheless…

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…or a Clemenceau…


it was confirmed 2 years ago when they posted the initial 3ds max renders, lol.

Confirmed to be in the works and a long long time awaaaaaay

I’ve grown skeptical/numb to “project announcements.” Making a DCS-level aircraft module is extremely tough - a lot harder than I think most people realize. And it’s not the technical challenges - those are mostly academic - it’s the willpower and stamina to persevere through all of those challenges. I feel like we’ve seen a lot of projects never make it past the announcement phase due to developers grossly underestimating this effort. Not to mention the care and feeding that a module requires AFTER release!

Razbam has shown us that not only can they get through that process and produce a product, but they can create pretty high quality one as well. They’ve delivered and are continuing to provide improvements and this demonstrates a lot. I expect more quality DCS product to come from this team.

A lot can happen between now and then, however, so I’ll just check my enthusiasm until planned release dates are a little closer.

DCS Grinch OUT


I think that this is the proper way to go. It is heartening to hear that projects are underway but until we get closer to a potential release (or open beta) state, it is best to just let that information be what it is and keep enthusiasm in check.

It is good to hear the news but moderating expectations makes sense.

Unless of course someone is looking for feedback and information.

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and hear me out on this one…

We take tennative long term plans as concrete promises, and then become irate when those promises are changed due to exigent circumstances.


I think that community project is over-subscribed. :slight_smile:


I’m just hoping for a McDonald Douglas/Boeing product with twin engines that drops bombs, shoots missiles, and has a 20mm cannon. I think that we’ve waited long enough and sampled all of the esoteric aircraft and trainers to last a lifetime. Hard to stay passionate about much else.

Hey, that would probably sound good in 12 bar form.


Ooh, an F2H Banshee would be fun!

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I am very excited for this module. It was one of my favorite aircraft to fly in SF 2.

Bombs and tailhooks can’t go wrong.


Sitting here staring at those shots, I realize that particular A-7E looks familiar.

Here’s why:

She’s located at the Tillamook Air Museum of Tillamook, Oregon. I was lucky enough to visit it in September.

Her neighbor

Not her cockpit, but a Corsair II cockpit all the same.


More 70’s groove… Yeah! A Crusader would be over the top Awesomeness

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Oh nice pictures! That indeed looks the same!