It cant be this weekend… im off work. Must be next weekend when im working. I know one thing, ive been teased more in the last 48 hours than all of high school.
But seriously … Got to be this weekend
Here is a fun one
Im off friday thruough Monday this weekend. So safe bet is next tuesday it will release
Yeah, I’m out of town, away from the SimBox, so…
Thanks Maico, I needed that
That cracked me up
One of the best comments i have ever read, I love it! Bravo Sir!
Also here is another video, This was pretty awesome if you ask me
New WSO Meat!!!
Okay, so the results of that zero visibility strike appeared to be a bug? The GBU-10 is an LGB, not a GPS or dual guidance system. Using the TGP to lase through a cloud deck, wouldn’t be successful I would think. Even if you could get a point laser reflection off the clouds themselves for the initial guidance, once the bomb punched through the cloud deck it would loose the laser spot and go ballistic.
Am I just way behind the times and we laser designation through clouds is a real thing? Or is that basically bugged behavior?
I was honestly expecting a patch map that was used to designate for a JDAM, so when he started cueing up a LGB I was very confused.
I honestly dont know. It caught me off guard as well.
Knowing what I know about the military I would say its not out of the realm of possibilities that this is true.
Its also possible that this is a 50/50 procedure used before JDAM came around.
From over in reddit: can the TGP Laser be used to spot through clouds? : r/hoggit (
It is apparently a DCS engine limitation exploit.
So that makes sense. The addition of air to ground radar would exploit this 10 fold.
Before that the visual prevent it from being an issue.
As we learn so does ED i guess.
I wonder if it’s a module issue rather than an engine issue? In the Tomcat when I lase and a cloud passes through my view my GBU-12s always go off into neverland and don’t hit anywhere near the target.
Wouldn’t surprise me if the Ground radar was the one doing the “lasing” The handoff from the radar to the pod may be the exploit.
Watching the video again the star of the show really is that radar.
Driving around the clouds, to keep LOS, has always been half the ‘fun’ to me (in other platforms). In fact I didn’t know you could lase through clouds until now. They need to fix this…unless I’m 100% wrong and you can lase through clouds?
Been re-reading Smallwoods’ book (Strike Eagle in Desert Storm) lately. Sounds like they used that Mongo RADAR to loft/toss from a RADAR designation, at first. Good news: about 2 weeks into it they got the TGP. Bad news is they sent time to hunt Scuds with it (they weren’t happy about that).
The type of laser that could lase through the clouds would negate the need for a bomb, if you get my drift.
Clouds and bad weather are why we have JDAMs. And great minds are the reason we have GBU-54s.
I was 99.9999999% sure. But you never know.
Your more sure than i am. Lol
Just look at the tech we had in the 50s (SR71) no telling what we have now.
I was going to skip the Mudhen and wait for the Tornado…. So much for that plan.