Real Sim Gear

I’m seriously considering the G1000 MFD found here. Do any of you have any experience with any of their peripherals? TIA for any feedback…

I don’t have any experience with those peripherals…but damn…that GTN 750 looks awesome. It is no secret that I’m a huge fan of the Reality XP GTN 750 - it is one of the nicest and most functional add-ons I’ve ever used for flight simulation (though I own the P3D and X-Plane versions - I’d say 95% of my time has been spent with the X-Plane version).

That G1000 hardware looks great. Of course, my only concern with hardware is how/if it syncs up to VR since most of my simming has been moving in that direction. BUT - as a trainer for students I think the physical hardware and 2D presentation off the outside world on a large monitor would go hand-in-hand with VR. Teaching things like turns around a point, S-turns across a road, basic VFR pattern work…all great in VR…but more complex flight planning and IFR procedures that kind of G1000 panel would be awesome.

Anyway a lot of typing to tell you I have no idea… :rofl: Let us know how your research goes on it.

It does have me wondering - I know that there is a fair representation of the G1000 in default X-Plane (I think it is called the Laminar G1000) - has anyone made a true, full depth G1000 (officially Garmin) add on plane or avionics for X-Plane? If so…that would be the ultimate sync up with that hardware.

Beach, it the Real Sim Gear can be used with both X-Plane, and MSFS. I fly (virtually) the 172 and 182 w/ the G1000 in both. In X-Plane I can program a PLN or a Direct To… In, MSFS, it’s not as intuitive. I also have access to the Redbird Simulator that also has the G1000 at ECSU (where my CAP Squadron meets). I use the G1000 in the 182T as I’m a Mission Observer. I’m also teaching new and upcoming Mission Observers how to use the G1000. I just wish ours wasn’t the older type and I could program search patterns :wink:

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