Recent website loading issue

During the last week or so, I’ve been getting this “error” upon initial load of the main page.

Sometimes it will automatically refresh and eventually load the main page. Sometimes it won’t automatically reload. However I can just click reload and we’re all good. But at the top of the page I also see the following

Anyone else seeing this? Is it just my end? I use the latest version of Firefox.


I got it just now. Hit refresh and was good to go.

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yep having this today, with chrome… sometimes it refreshes.

Load related I think. @Chuck_Owl updates a guide and tells people about it on reddit, people hit download PDF on a big file with a direct link (often from another site with a hot link, cheers internet, don’t ever change) and it stalls the articles site for a bit. Chuck’s fault for making good guides, he needs to reduce the demand with worse guides. :+1:

If it continues we’ll have to look at something cleverer. I think @BeachAV8R pays a fixed cost for the host but the bandwidth is a nice flat rate (within limits). The host has a CDN but it’s pretty poor. Both the main site and the forums often get bot attacks as well, and I always assumed it was just people angry about @Troll’s cockpit building skills - those 3D printer people are a mad and passionate lot. :wink:


You got it! :smiley:

I present to you a preview of my brand new Mi-24 guide.


(pushes glasses up nose) actually you’ll find that Mikhail Mil changed the ‘DANGER’ red crayon to a much darker hue, I can’t believe you made this error - I’m now quite angry - let me send you a list of mistakes you’ve made - Internet Stranger.


It’s unfortunately not that far from the reality of things :smiley:


As long as they click the links… :man_shrugging:


Been getting this every time I jump on the last few days. Thought maybe it was me. Usually connects with a couple of re-try’s.

I’m getting a “SSL_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR_ALERT” along with a failure to load the page for Chucks Guides currently.

I’ve updated some DNS settings to try to fix that. It’ll take a bit to propagate through (say, 20 mins) but should be ok going forward. Looking at the logs we served about 11TB of data in the last 3 weeks, so it’s basically just a server getting hammered.



Likely the same thing. I got the same or similar Cloud Flare message all morning from about 7am Pacific time. I just got in again a few minutes ago. Desktop and Phone gave me the same error message.


I couldn’t access the site all day, I think that might be related to the cloudflare issue I read about.

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Worth checking the discord for further information guys.

If there’s anything we, the users, can do to help support the thing, let us know @admins .

Anyway, glad the thing is back up!

Partying Music Video GIF by Taylor Swift


Edited because i sound like a tool.

Happy to help in whatever capacity keeps the forum open