Sometimes it will automatically refresh and eventually load the main page. Sometimes it won’t automatically reload. However I can just click reload and we’re all good. But at the top of the page I also see the following
Load related I think. @Chuck_Owl updates a guide and tells people about it on reddit, people hit download PDF on a big file with a direct link (often from another site with a hot link, cheers internet, don’t ever change) and it stalls the articles site for a bit. Chuck’s fault for making good guides, he needs to reduce the demand with worse guides.
If it continues we’ll have to look at something cleverer. I think @BeachAV8R pays a fixed cost for the host but the bandwidth is a nice flat rate (within limits). The host has a CDN but it’s pretty poor. Both the main site and the forums often get bot attacks as well, and I always assumed it was just people angry about @Troll’s cockpit building skills - those 3D printer people are a mad and passionate lot.
(pushes glasses up nose) actually you’ll find that Mikhail Mil changed the ‘DANGER’ red crayon to a much darker hue, I can’t believe you made this error - I’m now quite angry - let me send you a list of mistakes you’ve made - Internet Stranger.
I’ve updated some DNS settings to try to fix that. It’ll take a bit to propagate through (say, 20 mins) but should be ok going forward. Looking at the logs we served about 11TB of data in the last 3 weeks, so it’s basically just a server getting hammered.
Likely the same thing. I got the same or similar Cloud Flare message all morning from about 7am Pacific time. I just got in again a few minutes ago. Desktop and Phone gave me the same error message.