There’s a button on the bottom where you can adjust the lenses closer to your eyes, that may help with the FOV. I thought it was a generally wide FOV, I only slightly noticed the scuba goggle effect.
On the note of screen flashes, I did encounter a few of these when playing DCS. Didn’t notice in other VR games so i figured it may be a DCS issue.
Yeah, I have it on the inner setting, as close to my face as possible. If I move it outwards it’s like looking through a pair of binoculars.
If I press the display unit towards my face, the FoV increases slightly. I’ve already sent an email to VRCover that they should do a new facial interface for the S, that has a slightly shorter eye-lens distance. It’s easy enough to remove it. I hope they’ll bite, or I may have to get creative…
How were the visuals compared to your O+ Paul? On par or better?
I think a little sharper, mainly because of how the O+ deals with getting rid of SDE, but they both have nice, bright displays.
One have any better/wider sweet spot than the other?
I believe someone with an IPD of the default 63.5 will feel the sweetspot is larger, but if the IPD is larger, or smaller, the view falls closer to the edge of the sweet spot, and it will appear smaller.
So I think curiosity is getting the best of me on these new headsets and their improved visuals to where I’m really considering picking up a Rift S today. I wouldn’t do it other than the fact that I believe MicroCenter has a no questions asked return policy on items they sell and the local one to me has 10 in stock ATM. (I really wish they had an open box one that somebody returned so I’d feel less guilty about trying it out and more than likely returning it.) Watching that YT video where the person was playing 5 different sims and his reactions kinda put me over the edge.
While I don’t believe it’s the headset I’m going to want to keep between the Reverb, the Index and the Rift, I feel like the Rift should at least give me a taste of what’s possible visually with these new sets and if it’s would be enough to potentially convert me over to VR for good in sims vs constantly jumping back and forth between VR and Track IR now due to image clarity. (I recognize VR is nowhere near monitor even at 1080p which is what mine is, but I feel like my current Rift is a frustrating experience in terms of image clarity.)
Micro center let me return mine no questions asked. The customer service guy said lots of people return them because they find out it’s uncomfortable or their computer can’t run it. See if you can price match the Lenovo website in case you decide to keep it.
I was in the same boat you were last weekend and wouldn’t have known if I would like it or not without playing with it first.
Thanks Gunny. If I decide to keep it I’ll definitely inquire about a price match with the Lenovo site. I just hope I’m pleasantly surprised by the visuals.
As some one with no VR experience, I was blown away by the visuals. Especially in DCS and IL2!
Yeah I was blown away by the “experience” of VR with my first sample of the Vive and then subsequently the OG Rift. Visually though I’ve always felt they were lacking to where I would get frustrated and go back to track IR.
It is a decent step up visually from the Rift CV1. With the brighter, higher resolution display and greatly reduced SDE, the image is much cleaner.
For me, the only negative points are that it takes a bit more adjustment to hit the sweet spot due to no mechanical IPD (this is definitely my biggest beef with it), and that it doesn’t have as much air flow getting to your face, so it is more prone to fogging up, although it hasn’t been a huge problem for me so far.
Today I went back to the Rift CV1, to compare.
The FoV is more or less the same, just like @PaulRix says.
I think, maybe, that I’m more aware of the restricted peripheral view of the Rift S because of less light bleed (there is none) and a brighter screen, than the CV1. This increases the contrast between the shroud and the screen, making the difference more evident.
I did try taking off the shroud and push the screen as close as possible. But the way the S Halo is designed, I would have to replace the forward foam insert with something thinner to get closer to the screen. But, it is possible, and the FoV increases…
Visual clarity is really good!
Tracking is almost as good as the CV1, but the lights must be on. When I turned the lights down I got some glitches.
I also get a white screen every now and then. It’s just a frame and gone before I know it.
Oculus and USB ports. If you have a virtual link card (2070 upwards) then some people seem to be buying a USB adapter on that to get the power they need. Could be worth a look?
Can’t wait to try it for myself this evening. If it’s really that good I can only imagine what the new Reverb might be like.
I managed to get my VR Lenses into the Rift S. That made quite a difference, so some of my ‘sweet spot’ issues were just that I wasn’t using corrective lenses. I’ll have to get myself a proper Rift S set when they become available.
No, I’m on a 1080TI.
Seems strange that it’s a USB power issue, as so many users experience the white frames. Do we all have mobos with substandard USB power…? Or am I missing something here?
I don’t know, just that Oculus has probably sold the worlds supply of external USB cards before with the CV1 and those cameras, so that it wouldn’t be shocking to see a USB power issue again.
There is a Rift S firmware update going around, but I think it got pulled as it was bricking units. It was easy to reset it back though.
It might be that the S requires over the spec by accident, and that the virtual link USB is way over 3.1 (15 watts) so helps out. Or it might not be related, it’s early days.
I got those flashes as well.