NOTE: The corporate names “RotorX” (new) and “Rotorway” (old) will be used interchangeably.
Today’s the day. The first crate of four arrives here in just a few hours. With inspiration from @Troll and others I am considering keeping a blog of my progress (or failure).
I am so excited to follow this thread @smokinhole please updated with even the most mundane and boring feeling stuff as i am desperate to learn all i can.
I really am considering buying a half built pitts that ive seen for peanuts or possibly something a bit more 2 + 2 shaped
Your helicopter build absolutely intrigues me! Good luck mate. Its not gonna be an easy road but i cannot think of a more incredibly fulfilling and gratifying project.
Wow, that’s exciting. Thank you for deciding to maintain a build thread. I’m sure that there are a lot of us here who will eagerly follow along and offer support if needed.
I was just there yesterday! I will build a table partly from this crate and attach a vice. I still need a press, drill press, band saw, belt/rotary bench sander and much, much more. And I will also get the slightly smaller version of the tool cabinet you posted.
If anyone wants to move to NJ to help with this thing, I can promise much cursing and maybe the occasional beer.
You will not regret the Pitts. Fly it for 50 hours and if it proves to not be your cup of tea, sell if for what you paid for it. There are planes that are faster, roll better, penetrate farther and are certainly more comfortable. But nothing does so much so well. It is quite possibly the finest flying airplane ever designed.
Within a week you will be walking with a ratcheting screwdriver and a flathead screwdriver in your workpants, elemental multitools that any aircraft mechanic should keep in their pocket!