. Actually if you read a few posts before the one where I began to realize that the company was failing, I posted the realization that I may be building a total POS. It’s not. Or rather it wouldn’t have been. But it is no Robbie either. Helicopters, unless you plan on medivac, slinging xmas trees, or filming episodes of Succession, are best enjoyed in DCS.
I’m not arguing with that. But I’d still like to bolt one together. I’m not bothered about the flying but the building is cool
Me, in a nutshell!
I think the novelty would wear off after I’ve flown it a summer, but the feeling of building one would last much longer…
I know the flying part is boring. An R44 is, in terms of glamor and glory, a Cessna 172 at three times the cost to rent. If I step away from Eric, the opioid addict, I would realize that I should appreciate the aviation I was given (gliders and acro) and put the idea of beating air molecules by the trillions to bed. Helicopters are work, utility. It is the domain of a different sort of aviator: Blue collar types with tats and ample facial hair. Sure, they like it. But mostly, it’s a paycheck. To those guys, an aging airline pilot who wants to fly helicopters is as mystifying as it is to my fixed-wing friends. And I totally get it. None of this makes any sense to the part of me that isn’t addicted. But you can’t reason with an addict. All you can do is keep your distance.
As far as building goes, way more skill is involved in building an RV-8 or similar. (Not talking the newer quick-build kits). Or a Pitts or Eagle. Working with sheetmetal, wood, fabric and wiring is where craftsmanship is really needed to have any hope of making something that is relatively safe. A good helicopter kit is closer to assembly. But I was challenged by it, for sure. The two biggest joys were the week with my brother and the week in FL where I realized that my workmanship was actually pretty darn good, comparatively. Otherwise, I’d say that the year was 3 hours of frustration for each hour of fun. I wouldn’t recommend it unless building is the only way one can afford to acquire and maintain the machine.
A wise man once said
Embarrassment is a personal thing. You feel it, because of how you think others perceive you. It’s a shame thing.
I have always had your helicopter build thread on one my always read threads. I look forward to your updates, no matter how small, just to see what you are up to.
For me as an IT professional/part time farmer, wannabe pilot who has never been aloft in anything other than a tubeliner, I marvel at what you have achieved.
When you posted about the company issues, I felt your disappointment and was gutted for you.
I still have this hope for you that it’ll be ok.
I love reading about our members interests.
I’ll never own a plane like @Scoop, or ride motorbikes like @Maico/@Victork2 and a host of others, or own rifles like @WarPig /@jenrick /@chipwich… more importantly I see veterans posting of experiences they’ve had which I’m so grateful that I haven’t.
At no point have I ever felt your posts have been bragging.
Than you for sharing your journey, I really hope something works out, but never feel like you are being negatively judged.
This. Couldn’t have said it better.
You’ll find a way to make it the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy yet Eric. If there’s a will…
That’s why they call him keets.
Just to cheer you up a little, @smokinhole…
I was visiting the inlaws this weekend. My mother in law had an aunt who was a famous opera singer. Auntie travelled the world on first class in the 60’s and 70’s and used to bring with her some mementos from her travels. Airline cutlery evidently ranked high on her list of suitable gifts for her niece…
On October 13, 2023 (the “Petition Date”) ROTOR X AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING COMPANY filed a voluntary petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code. The Debtor’s case was assigned case no. 2:23-bk-07343-PS and is pending before the honorable Judge Paul Sala in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court Arizona District (the “Bankruptcy Court”) Phoenix division office.
A hearing will be held on November 28, 2023 (the “First Meeting of Creditors”) at the Bankruptcy Court Phoenix division office.
Damn. Where I live, bankruptcy means the debtor is walking away. If that is the case, I feel for you Eric and hope that you can salvage something from all of this…
If it is any consolation. Even a negative experience is still a learning experience and the lessons I have never forgotten have all come from negative experiences.
Chpt. 11 means they need protection to continue to stay in business, no…?
If so, production will continue?
Don Shaw, the owner, says yes. He really just wants everyone to shut up and trust him. The problem is that it is a factory, first and foremost. The parts they make require precise welding, milling, lathing and fiberglass skills. Most of that skill will never walk through those doors again after what was done to them in September. So, even if he gets the millions in backing that he now claims to have received, it’s hard to see how anything will get produced. And it is harder yet to imagine that new customers will come on board. I wish him luck. He will need it.
I see… So they already laid off staff?
Gutted for you.
Late 2000’s I worked for a company that went into Chapter 11 (US) / Administration (UK). At the time we were told by the administrators that nothing would happen to us, no change, continue working and that it was simply an accounting exercise to protect the business from creditors wanting to be paid.
3 months later I was out of work, no notice l, no redundancy payment and had become a creditor.
Eventually the business was sold…. I’m still getting pence in the pound payments for what I was owed.
I really hope this works out for you, but as you say people are likely to start leaving/already left.
As a small business owner, my SOP was that the employees always get paid first. If you can’t afford to pay them, tell them, and go as far to show them a cash flow projection. If you are honest with your employees and earn their trust, most of them will come back when the bank account gets into the black. And for the ones that move on, better to be able to look them in the eye and wish them well. They also will come back if their new gig doesn’t work out. It’s a tough place to be on the management side too, struggling to keep your business alive, while worrying about your employees and their families.
They would have never believed it but all too often my employees were making more than me.
As a management pilot vs a line pilot, this strikes home a bit
ETA: @smokinhole Best of luck in moving forward. What a horrible series of events. I’m hopeful you can find parts and enough support to complete the build, but also understand that you might not consider the amount of effort (over and beyond building a freakin’ helicopter in the first place! ) worth it to you in the long term.