@Troll is where I got the idea from. I searched ‘Motorcycle Steering Damper’ on eBay and found the same model, it seems to be ubiquitous. I have no idea if that kind is the ‘best’ for this purpose as it’s the only one I’ve ever tried (none of my motorcycles have/had steering dampers to ‘borrow’ and compare!). At the time it was maybe $30 USD if I recall. My install isn’t as pretty as Troll’s is since mine involved less beautiful angle bracket and more 1.5" block of scrap hardwood I had on hand.
I’m pleased with the results; it eliminates the ‘springiness’ the TPRs had stock, adds some weight to the rudder forces to make them feel much more ‘real’. I’ve always had my springs on the highest settings to be as close to what I’m used to IRL as possible, which was still pretty light stock. I have zero clue what a real FBW fighter jet rudder pedals feel like though, so YMMV. Also (this is obvious I suppose) the damper dampens the return to center so they don’t go past if I quickly remove a jab of rudder, but instead return to center more like real ones. Before mine would kinda spring back and forth a couple times at the center.
I run mine (adjustable damper) on the lowest to second-lowest setting, so that they aren’t slow to return to center.