Rudder Pedals

Don’t spend 4 years using them the wrong way and then expect to be able to relearn how to use them in a week. I keep ground looping and spinning in because I am constantly using the wrong pedal. I mean it’s not like there are videos on YouTube that explain how they work…



Any particular aircraft that you are having problems with?

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I guess Spit :wink:

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I remember the beginning of my sim-life.
I used to push one rudder pedal to move the opposite way.

Yup, push on the right rudder pedal to yaw left.
On my defense it was due to a miscalculation that happened going from twist-stick rudder to physical one.

It was a sad day when I was taught the truth.
And a long week of re-learning.


You’ll relearn in a week. Dont worry the Spit has no friends on the taxiways

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It is a somewhat natural thing to assume.
Especially if you are used to riding a bike/tricycle. Push the part of the handlebar opposite of where you want to go.

That being said: I never did it that way, but I did play first person shooters with an inverted Y axis on the mouse.
Took me a week to switch when I realized that literally everyone I knew played the other way round.


I remember my dad said that this was the hardest part for several students to overcome, when they did the basic slope soaring in the SG-38:s during glider training.


This! :open_mouth:


Is this the right place to rant about LucasArts, swapping Roll and Yaw axis in the X-Wing series? Default mapping was stick left/right = Yaw, Rudder/Twistgrip = Roll.

I started virtual flying with XvT and then switched over to WW2 stuff. It took me some time to get used to rolling with the stick.

When I revisted Space Sims, I switched between both control schemes and either of them feeled wrong.

I finally kept the conventional airplane style in Elite Dangerous and it stuck after a few weeks.

Our brain is weird.

Destin made a nice video about it:


Funny you mention that!
I am a huge Wing Commander fan and they also had that “Space Sim” control scheme.

And it makes sense there if you think about it. If the orientation doesn’t matter (because space) the roll axis becomes increasingly meaningless, and you want the maximum accuracy in the pitch and yaw axis. It is just way easier to turn your space ship into the direction you want.

Of course that mainly applies to space ships that have acceleration absorbers (like in Wing Commander) so your body’s orientation with it’s different G tolerances) doesn’t matter.
In Star Citizen for example it matters.

To this day I use my rudder pedals/twist axis to roll when flying most space ships (exception being Star Citizen), it feels completely natural to me.
At the same time I do flight sims with the regular aircraft setup and it feels just as natural.

Marvelous things, those brains. :slight_smile:


The only one I can get off the ground without fail is the 109 G2 which is completely wrong when you read about how difficult they were to handle on the ground. Once in the air I still make the wrong control inputs quite often though.

Lol, nope pretty much ALL of them.

Yep, now try and fix it in a week after doing it wrong for 4 years. :crazy_face:

Interesting to hear of other peoples trials using them. :sunglasses:


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I would suggest practicing with a lower powered aircraft in X-Plane/FSX/P3D before moving up to a high performance WW2 fighter. The more powerful the engine, the more P-Factor and Torque you have to fight during takeoff and landing. Also, remember that you don’t have to use full power when taking off in one of these aircraft. If fact, too much power at too low an airspeed will give you a very hard time due to the lack of control effectiveness.

Remember to lock the tailwheel before starting the takeoff roll too (if the aircraft you are flying lets you do that). And yes, if you push the right pedal, the nose should yaw to the right. Correct rudder use in the air for regular turns is shown on your turn slip indicator… “step on the ball” until it is centered and keep it there.


Going to need to find an easy plane in IL-2 Great Battles.


P39 is my recommendation. It has tricycle gear… so much easier to taxi than taildragers

Gosh, apparently all russian planes use this combination of rudder pedal and separate brake lever that only engage the rudder that’s pressed with compressed air! @_@

Ugh. I love the planes but that system is sick.
I guess is reliable in extreme cold though… :thinking:

The Spitfire has a hand brake too.


I’ve been doing that since Quake? And, why would you force yourself to re-learn and re-adjust how you move the mouse? I don’t care what anyone else is doing, an inverted mouse makes perfect sense to me, and there’s no way I’m gonna throw away 25 years of muscle memory!

I think i never flew a really simulated Spit.

DCS has a really good one… :wink: