Let me know what you all decide regarding maps, I may have a narrow opportunity to get Kola over the next week before other costs creep up…
Let me know what you all decide regarding maps, I may have a narrow opportunity to get Kola over the next week before other costs creep up…
Not to throw a wrench in the turbine blades, but this looked really interesting for a Phight Club meeting. Lots of rotor opportunities, including the OH-6A for those light of funds, but heavy in the bollocks. Loaches, Hueys, Phantoms, Tigers, and Skyhawks oh my!
Have we decided on a theme for the next event? Just wondering if I should pick up the Kiowa ?
I’ll be flying the Phantom. I have all the maps so that’s not an issue.
Mig over here. Let me know what map so i can install if needed
Ill install a few more aircraft then
I still have the F-5 trial for a few more days but already caught myself reaching for the Mirage F1 this week.
I’d love to rip the wings off of at least one more Tiger before I get back into the superior jet-fighter-on-a-budget though.
I’ll be flying this skin for the occasion (you can download it to your Saved Games\DCS\Liveries to see it too).
Let’s see if I can re-enact monsieur Lanata’s feat.
how about some F-14 slots for tonight, do we have some? if not, could I kindly ask for some? thx
Hate that I’m missing this, but we’ve already got plans for the night; we’re actively shopping for new sitters for the kids, since our usual one of starting teaching full time in the fall.
There will be others I’d be happy to have ya bud.
Did i miss the proposed start time?
What IS the start time, 19:00 ish?
Uh yeah something like that. Need to feed me and my boy, then I need to add kittens to the phantom phest and kick the thing live.
(added two kitties to blue side and two mirage F1s to the red side. Have fun, kicking it live now. I’ll eat and then join you guys)
I had planned to be there today, but getting jammed at both ends time wise. Hope to join for at least an hour guys. Have fun if otherwise.
for some reason the thing isn’t starting. I’ll eat then get back to kicking it live.
I’m updating as we speak
Are you guys in any Discord?
We use the mudspike discord
You joining us?