I’ll be on in about 30-45min
Hoping but… we will see.
I set up some of the 19s controls
I’m getting a Server Offline error…
Dammit. OK, so I had some pizza, watched Acolyte with the boy and had a look at the log and for some reason, the thing just refuses to connect:
2024-06-22 18:17:35.350 INFO ASYNCNET (Main): server has started
2024-06-22 18:17:35.351 INFO ASYNCNET (Main): Using LEDBAT for UDP congestion control.
2024-06-22 18:17:57.368 INFO ASYNCNET (Main): Successfully set up Dual-Stack socket, using both IPv4 and IPv6
2024-06-22 18:17:57.369 INFO ASYNCNET (Main): Listening on port 10308
2024-06-22 18:17:57.426 INFO ASYNCNET (Main): server has stopped
Huh. And now it runs.
That’s because your priorities are out of wack. You are attending to your kid when you should really have 100% of your focus on your nerd friends.
As of 1829Z still no joy.
Appears good to go!
For some reason it had reset to default settings, I had to remove purity check and things.
Ok, nevermind. I hoped. Not tonight. But in two weeks all will change so, let’s plan ahead.
Thanks all for a great evenings flying, fun and crossed legs on certain stories as usual fantastic server @schurem
Thanks for hosting the server. I was happy to be a flying target for some of you. but one day, you will phear my missile.
Derby, sorry about the TK! I was just excited I remembered how to turn the F1 on.
One of the most satisfying in recent months was an A-4 AIM-9 shot in the 3rd half of two loops doing about 120 knots. If that missile had missed I’d’ve been toast. Great time!
Sorry for blasting you so ruthlessly in your phantom. I got mine back plenty as I think that was about the only kill I made in a night of plentifull deaths. I didn’t die to no sparrows though… (side-eyes @Victork2)
Lets do that!
Two weeks. Checks calendar. Yup. That’s on.
good fun again. didnt fly the Phantom since the last FC so it was nice to play with it again.
shame, only one pic from tonight