Mission is up. Look for Mudspike in the server list, password is mudspikeFTW
Hi, I overslept only a bit. Coffee is a-brewing
Hey Maico, weâre on Discord, I donât have SRS set up for this and VOIP is disabled because it caused DCS crashes on occasion
This was the best day EVER! I got off to a rough start with Discord but my Mudspikers would not laeave me. THANK YOU FOR WAITING. It was a beautiful flight and I had no idea about how gorgeous the Kola map was.
You guys made my day.
You seem to have some sort of Robin Olds-like talent! Didnât even know yet where half the switches were in the F-4, yet you were the ONLY one, beside the mission maker, to survive the air defense zone, and you even got bombs on target.
P.S. I bet Robin Olds wouldnât have been very quick at joining a Discord voice channel either
Thank You. I got lucky was all. I did only manage to see the site. I was so spooked that I flew below its silhouette against the Sky. I took some damage from AAA. It was close.
The âTourâ side of the mission was incredible. Who knew that part of the world could be so breathtaking.
I was in disbelief that you guys waited for me to get my sheet together and get on comms. Iâm now sorted though. Cant wait for the next one. I really cant remember the last time that I was up till 3am. Good TIMES!
SUNDAY AT 11 I will be reporting for duty.
Whenâs the next meeting guys?
I am Here
I was a few minutes late, sorry.
Kicking off now!
Sorry I couldnât make it. I was busy dealing with some administrative stuff for my squadron and then it was already too late. Next time.
Freak, thanks for taking lead today. I had a lot going on at home and could hear my wife walk in and out of my office a few times worried that I wasnât going to be done in time to take my daughter to the party. You know how it is in VR with your hands full of jet fighter and someone is in your space unannounced . Your fast FAC duty was greatly appreciated.
And great to finally meet you @Maico. We can sync up on the skins next time.
@schurem Iâd love to offer you guys here an introduction to the Mossie. Iâd prefer to do it on the Normandy map for the authentic experience but I am of course open to doing it on any other map as well.
Maybe Friday evening in two weeks? That would be 2025-01-31T18:00:00Z but a later time would also work for me that day. You can make other suggestions if that date and time doesnât work for you.
Sorry I couldnât make it this morning/yesterday evening guys, I had to drive 600km yesterday and needed a sleep in after that!
Hope you all had fun!
Good Times were had. Freak and Chipwitch, it was nice to fly with you guys. I am looking forward to the next one.
Iâd be up for that. Bomb a post office in France. I bet you got a .miz ready for that
I do if everyone has the WWII asset pack, if not I will just build a very simple mission with a few mock targets. Friday 31st works for you?