Schurem's Phight Club Jan 31, 19:00 UTC - Flying the Wooden Wonder

Aye sir,on both counts.

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Have the WW2 pack, plane, and all maps, but have friends visiting this Friday. Next time, thanks.

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No worries, we can repeat it some other time. I am always happy to teach people how to operate the DCS warbirds.

Just to be sure you understood correctly though, the Mossie introduction is not planned for this week but the week after

Specifically 2025-01-31T19:00:00Z

@schurem I forgot that I am usually flying with a buddy between 18:00-20:00h on Fridays so we’ll start around 20:00, not 19:00 :face_with_peeking_eye::slightly_smiling_face:


That’s fine by me. Fits even better in the family schedule.

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31st, Im in. I have the WW2 Assets and that thing I never fly…


Mosquito Squadron!! :heart:

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Alright, I have put it in the title.

  • 2025-01-31T19:00:00Z
  • Required Modules:
    • DCS: DH.98 Mosquito FB.VI
    • DCS: Normandy/Normandy 2
    • DCS: WWII Asset Pack

just checked all requirements …all good will be there :salute:


Cant wait. I havent flown with you in an eternity.


I just updated and resaved the mission to make sure everything is working, I also added some fog at the start of the mission that slowly dissipates over the first hour or so until only some very faint haze is left in the valleys. If you run the mission for ~13+ hours the fog will re-appear in the evening but I wouldn’t know anyone who’d be crazy enough to run the mission for so long :sweat_smile:

Edit: Few more details:

We’ll be flying Mosquitos of No. 305 Squadron (polish bomber squadron) out of RAF Odiham because it’s the closest base to RAF Lasham where 305 Sqn was actually stationed in 1944. Unfortunately that base isn’t modelled in our version of the map although it’s very close to Odiham.


Oh that sound just superb! Looking forward to it!


I will be covering the basics of flying and operating the Mossie. We can even fly as a pilot-navigator team but that’s maybe something better reserved for the next session.

This is what I have planned for the night

  • Cockpit overview
  • Cold start
  • Take Off
  • Landing

If we get through that quickly I can also cover basic mission planning and navigation. In that case I plan to do a simple Channel crossing.

I will probably be on discord shortly after 20:00h CET/19:00h UTC


I may have just sneeked in some practice … :grinning:

some low level stuff along the Thames estuary …more accurately Southend seafront… (still annoys me that the Pier is not modelled)

had to do it … it wouldnt be london without a pic of Tower Bridge

the King George reservoir, just north of this would be the Enfield Small arms factory and the Waltham Abbey gun powder factory … and my railway station :rofl:


Sad Day… I thought 31st was a Saturday. Its Friday and im on PST, so I will miss the event. I’m working.


Sorry to hear. I might be able to repeat it on Saturday night around 2025-02-01T20:00:00Z. I will confirm on Friday.


It’s looking now like I may have some availability for both days.


I am available all weekend. But Unfortunately, Fridays I still have to work… But if anyone is up late Fridays night in Europe… look me up…


Which option would work better for you? 2025-02-01T07:00:00Z or 2025-02-01T19:00:00Z

I will be flying on the PO server until about 20:00CET after which I will take a short break before starting our Mossie introduction

Expect to start shortly after I end my stream:


@schurem @tempusmurphy I’m on Discord with @chipwich now. Ready whenever you are