Schurem's Phight Club Jan 31, 19:00 UTC - Flying the Wooden Wonder

The top pic is my new background


is there a flare launcher in the mossie … in the mission editor there is an option for it to be installed, but couldnt find any controls for it… can just imagine popping flares at each other on the ground … like you can in the 109

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I don’t believe you can atm. IIRC you can actually see the different flares stowed in the cockpit and the navigator should have the option to shoot flares through the dedicated port.


Considering we actually have a navigator spot, we should have the flares!


I’m thinking that once the group gets checked out in the Mossie, that we could do a PvE scenario based on Operation Jericho. Of the 3 missions the ED Community downloads site, this one looks the best. It comes with a detailed briefing PPT (I can convert to another format if a user doesn’t have PowerPoint) and slots for Spitfire, P-51D Mustang, Jug, and Mossie pilots. I’ll take a look at it to see if it runs on v2.9. Hopefully it will open and then I can save it in 2.9 format. Requires Normandy 2, WW2 assets pack, and one of the mentioned modules. Calling @Scoop, this might be something you would be interested in.


You do realise that as someone who was born in New Zealand and lived most of their life in Australia, I am suffering serious FOMO right now?


Well, to make it more authentic, I and any other Yanks are going to have to defect to Canada if we want to fly Mossies.

Confirmed that I could open the mission in SP, MP, and in the Mission Editor. No problems so far. This looks like quality work.


Lets do it!


That sounds like a cracking good idea :sunglasses:



But. The US Army Air Forces did operate PR and Night Fighter variants of the Mossie. Because of the liberties already taken, it isn’t a stretch for US pilots to be flying the FB VI for this mission.


No, it’s fine - there were plenty of “Canadians” who lost their documents and had a surprisingly poor knowledge of Canadian geography in the RAF …


The “joke” here is that in the 1940-41, any “Merry-Cans” who wanted to join in the fight against the Germans went to Canada so they could “pretend” to be Canadians. Thus, America stayed “Neutral”. It was BS, but necessary BS. If America was not neutral, then the Germans were justified in sinking their ships carrying cargo to UK. There was a whole list of domino effects. But yeah, it was about as legal as the Flying Tigers. Later on the world would call these “Clandestine Operations”.


Including most of the 3 x Eagle Squadrons, who became the 4th FG. There were also a few Yanks who came over to fly with the RAF, who didn’t want to have anything to do with ES and chose to stay with the RAF as long as they could. Eventually, most of them were either killed or forced into the USAAF.