Schurem's Phight Club Jan 31, 19:00 UTC - Flying the Wooden Wonder

On my way…

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YOU are much too kind. I have NO LIFE. LOL. I will fly when you decide. Im good really for anytime after 1100pm London till Monday Morning.

A fantasic evening of wooden wonder flying. Thank you for hosting and teaching @Derbysieger… and my fellow pilots @schurem and @chipwich
it took me far longer to end up in the bushes than i thought it would and learned loads :salute:


Then I’ll say we do 2025-02-01T19:00:00Z if that works for you?


Thanks for coming along on the ride @chipwich @schurem @tempusmurphy


I am EXCITED! See you guys tommorw. Ill be having lunch and you will be having beers. LOL


Kudos to @Derbysieger for the thorough and patient flight instructions. We learned much about the wooden wonder and had fun while doing it.

Why so many photos from the navigator seat? After crossing the channel, I ran out of fuel and came to grief while heads down at low level, trying to turn on fuel petcocks. St. Peter waved me off and said that I had to make amends by riding shotgun with the mad landscaper! @schurem is a smooth hand and a deadeye when not fighting a laggy Internet connection. No telling what his son was downloading :rofl:

You know that you’re on a special mission when you hear @tempusmurphy describe it as “epic” eighteen times. :beers:


Dcs is a good game in single player… but nothing beats flying formation ( in the loosest possible terms in my case) in a mosquito with some mates, it just pushes it into the fantastic category :grinning:


It really does. I had a great time, though I was quite wrung out after so much time in close formation. The mossie reqiires a lot of flying, and that is a good, fun thing. I was knackered after landing.



We’ll be starting in a few minutes :slight_smile:

@Maico @chipwich I can’t find a link to the 362nd fighter group and can’t post a link to the 332nd fighter groups discord but there is a link to the 4YA discord on the PO website. Members of both the 362nd FG and 332nd FG are active in the WWII section. I know recruiting is closed for the 332nd FG right now but you might have some luck if you ask nicely. 332nd FG is listed in the WWII squadron section on the 4YA discord as well and you can ask Brigg and Surf about getting together. Surf is Norwegian IIRC but I believe Brigg is American. He is an expert P-47 driver :slight_smile:

Link to the 4YA discord is prominently displayed on the website here:



Another epic flight today guys. Sorry that you had a mechanical @tempusmurphy. We blew the hell out of that train in your honor!



Thank you for hosting and the block of instruction. This was so much fun. Sorry how I left. Myy headset died. As per your instructions, I plugged it to the HUB instead of the MOBO and now it is charging again. Duhhhh.


Real shame I had to turn back with a blown engine I think I was messing with the rpm and over stressed it …but it added a bit of realism with an aircraft returning to base with engine trouble :grinning: but good to hear you got the train


I just tried some Navigation in the mossie… thanks to @Derbysieger teaching, I managed to go from ramsgate to dunkirk and back, just using the compass in the mossie, before the other nights lesson I didnt know that the outer dial turned… and just thought it was set for north :scream: no wonder i got lost a lot and had to rely on the F10 map


Dont feel like the Lone Ranger… I think we were all lost till @Derbysieger showed us the way… pun intended… Ill see myself out.
P.S. Bringing back a Mossie with one engine is no small feat.


if you go to the 22min mark … its quite fun with the mossie … and a shame we dont have that variant


IIRC Il2 does.


i will have to check that

EDIT… just tried it and the DCS mossie is far superior, just couldnt get the feel of the IL2 one, it just felt wrong … might get used to it with a lot of practice, but will stick to the WW1 and tanks in il2 and mossie in DCS