In truth being an indie title it will not last much longer than 13 / 15 hours…
and that if you are a completionist.
We respect your time.
In truth being an indie title it will not last much longer than 13 / 15 hours…
and that if you are a completionist.
We respect your time.
That’s actually pleasant news! Started up the tutorial, good vibes, love the sound design as well!
Anybody received their key yet?
That I know- everyone did.
You should have received it with an Email from the Kickstarter
Well, I could spare the twenty bucks and 500MB, so guess what?
Don’t know exactly when I will get to it, but happy to support indy titles especially when I ‘know’ someone who was involved in its creation.
Same here!
Thank you all!
Just wanted to add that we got praises from high up
That’s HUGE! Congrats!
Well deserved!!
(But as for poor me, still no keys)
Disregard! Anders sent me the key just now.
Cool. So cool!
Bought the game + the DLC.
Haven’t played it yet, but definitely will.
Haha I love the CRT filter! What a neat touch!
I have only just opened it and done the first 30 minutes or so, but yeah that is really cool.
Like I said, only 30 mins but so far I am liking it a lot more than I thought. I am not usually a fan of retro styled games… I mean why spend literally thousands on a modern PC to play something that would look at home on a TRS80?
Nostalgia is the answer. The only thing that would make my journey to the past complete was if it monochrome green (or orange)
Haven’t had chance to grab it yet. Waiting for payday to roll around (wife wants a kitchen) but very much looking forward to exploring this world.
The reviews are really encouraging! Well done!
That’s some serious praise from multiple quarters. Sounds like it did right by their expectations and everyone’s loving it aside from the typical technical issues all new games have.
Thank you all guys… I promise and swear - everything was really done at the absolute best of our capacity.
Lots of love was poured into this game… I wish I could bottle up the nights of the kickstarter and the countless hours we spent imagining what the game could be…
I couldn’t possibly be happier.
First update- bug fixing and QoL improvements
There was a bit of turmoil around the last patch so measures were taken.
In other news, reaching 500 Steam reviews would ensure that a sequel gets done.
If you bought it and enjoyed it please leave a honest review…
Doesn’t have to be an essay or anything complex.
I gave my review. But I don’t think it will matter. Anders came pretty close to pushing a Skald 2 on his AMA yesterday. Don’t put away your paintbrush yet, @komemiute!