@EinsteinEP I hope this is a bad joke! Don’t leave us! Boo, the server hamster, will miss you!
I keep checking in every few hours hoping he has left a post telling us it is all a joke or he has been hacked.
To quote president Trump: SAD
It’s -
“So long, and thanks for all the fish.”
Go figure.
I call shenanigans!
Drama free zone… that’s what I enjoy about Mudspike and the work you have put into it…
We’re gonna miss you Erik!
This is too much to compehend.
We put into it…Erik and Frog are the other two legs of the three-legged stool. Our chairs feel a bit wobbly now.
Wait… I have more hope now that this is indeed fake news.
Beach and Frog are the other two persons, if they don’t know of any “irreconcilable differences in values and vision” with our buddy EinsteinEP everything has to be fine, right?
@BeachAV8R and @fearlessfrog , don’t you have his phone number or something?
I’m doing my best. I’m not going to comment any further. I’ll say this though - some people think that when a multi-engine aircraft loses thrust in one engine, you are only losing 50% of your power. But in reality, you also lose about 80% of your performance capability. This site runs on three critical engines and losing one is a pretty big deal. I’m trying my best to get our other engine restarted. Without getting all mushy - I consider Erik and Frog as virtual brothers, so my “family” is on this plane too.
These things happen. I love the (ahem…about to speak VERY figuratively) …I love the sausage here too much to want to know how its made.
This was from exactly one month ago at the “Thank You” thread.
"…In addition to not making this place a fight club (you know the first rule, right?), you guys come up with some pretty amazing stuff: the great stories in #screens-aars, the running photos and stories in Where You Are, @komemiute’s skins, @Chuck_Owl’s guides, etc. I’m looking forward to seeing more of @Fridge’s work, I think there are more AARs and guides in the works too, although they seemed to have gotten delayed slightly by Real Life™.
More than just a quiet, well-behaved community, I see a lot of potential in this community to do great things. I’m looking forward to more community events, more contests, more reviews, more stories, just more stuff coming from this group. Thinking back to just a couple years ago3, it’s amazing how this place is growing, yet still has the same feel to it. Can’t wait to see what happens over the next couple of years!"
That was by Einstein. He wasn’t wrong then and it still applies today. I hope he makes his way back. This space is worse off without him. Regardless, the “thank you” still applies.
So this is not a hack but genuine?
That is indeed troubling. While I do not expect to hear any details, and it seems like all evidence of them were kept off the forums here, I hope they can be overcome for the benefit of all.
Thank you for all the contributions, you will be missed