Star Trek Bridge Crew (previous AAR here) started out as a VR game that went 2D. It’s a light co-op star trek game and is great fun. After playing with @Tyco, @near_blind and @DeadMeat the other night I decided to pull the trigger on the ‘Next Generation’ DLC that’s just come out.
Ok, a new option. Time to get my Picard on!
LCARs loading screen (crys in full nerd)
Ok, very pretty.
Captain on the deck! Look at that carpet - I can feel my legwarmers and big hair from here.
Counselor, do I have big hair?
Number 1, why is the Counselor scowling at me?
Hey, an iPad MCMXXI - cool
With this gizmo I can pretty much access everything from my seat.
I’ve also got a voice activated ‘orders’ thingy. Helm - prepare for warp!
You can drill down into each station to give general orders. Hang on, is that Mr Worf behind me?
(strains neck). Nope.
So looking at Tactical, lots of boom boom things to play with.
I wish I could make a run for the turbolift. 10-forward has a Happy Hour on…
The Operations panel. Mr Data - Damage Report!
Looks complicated. I think I’ll just shout and drink tea.
Helm! Take us out! The wee circle on the bottom right acts as a joystick. The Enterprise is not nimble, and like Khan, we have trouble with the Z axis, only a fake up/down 3D space to drive in.
So in single player you can do it all, but it’s obviously a lot of fun with four humans.
Exterior cam shots as well.
Red Alert, shields up! Oh, it’s a steering marker. Mr Worf, ceasefire.
So far so good, did a couple of single player missions and it’s nice, especially for a trek fan. Looking forward to multiplayer now.