Both the data and the destination display are working now. It was harder than expected, since the displays need different libraries that dont work well together
Nice a TM chip! I have a few TM 1638 chips that function as a input for a CIVA-IV. Lovely little chips with what you can do with them .
It’s done
I’m pretty happy how it turned out, everything works (albeit the data display has a small delay) and setting up the buttons in DCS has been very easy. It shows up as a generic joystick, so it can be used in other games as well.
20 cent for scale (lol), it really feels big
The panel itself
Some wiring, turned into a rat’s nest in the end…
In action:
Very nice, @NukaBoy!
Well done!
I wish I could fit a full size Viggen pit… Would be so much fun to build it!
Nice job @NukaBoy Was it hard doing coding for the leds? Did u get the boards for the led displays or did u custom made for them.
Update on my part is that i gave up on the analog value rotaryknob. I was having trouble finding the reason for it not working.
I found that it was not just to add that line from @outbaxx . i also had to edit the main dcs bios library.
Again i looked to the forums and found this which i guess is the same thing.
tekadept’s post was very helpful
Which tells that the DcsBios::AnalogMultiPos is not in the library and goes on to tell how to do it.
BUT! it kept on not working for me i kept looking in to it. testing the hardware maybe was wrong…
Went on “vaycay” xD … now i went back again to check and found out that the rotaryswitch had just gotten a loose pad on the center pin. But i also decided to just go with DCS.bios tip and do a Read low value on pin to know which is selected. So now i have 2 pins left on the micro ^
Gonna get a new one and start work on the navpanel with the waypointselectors, and also the ledscreens will be connected to that micro.
I have been thinking on moving to the Leobodnar card for the rotaryswitch part, but gonna try the arduino way first to see than if it is too much of a hassle ill move too leobodnar for those.
So i tried the datapanel and it is working fine with this code
#include <Keypad.h>
#include “DcsBios.h”/* paste code snippets from the reference documentation here */
DcsBios::Switch2Pos dataInOut(“DATA_IN_OUT”, A5, true); //set a pin for the in out switch
const byte datapanelSelectorPins[13] = {6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
DcsBios::SwitchMultiPos datapanelSelector(“DATAPANEL_SELECTOR”, datapanelSelectorPins, 13);const byte ROWS = 3; //four rows
const byte COLS = 4; //three columns
char keys[ROWS][COLS] = {
byte rowPins[ROWS] = {A3, A2, A4}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad
byte colPins[COLS] = {2, 3, 4, 5}; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypadKeypad keypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS );
void setup() {
keypad.addEventListener(keypadEvent); // Add an event listener.
keypad.setHoldTime(100); // Default is 1000mS
keypad.setDebounceTime(50); // Default is 50mS
}void loop() {
char key = keypad.getKey();
}void keypadEvent(KeypadEvent KEY){
switch (keypad.getState()) { // gives PRESSED, HOLD or RELEASED
case PRESSED: // If someone finds a better solution as switch - case: Let me know, please
switch(KEY) { // following commands are fired unique if PRESSED
case ‘1’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_1”, “1”); break;
case ‘2’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_2”, “1”); break;
case ‘3’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_3”, “1”); break;
case ‘4’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_4”, “1”); break;
case ‘5’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_5”, “1”); break;
case ‘6’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_6”, “1”); break;
case ‘7’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_7”, “1”); break;
case ‘8’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_8”, “1”); break;
case ‘9’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_9”, “1”); break;
case ‘0’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_0”, “1”); break;
case ‘A’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“CK37_RENSA_CLEAR”, “1”); break;}}
switch (keypad.getState()){ // gives PRESSED, HOLD or RELEASED
switch(KEY) { // Released KEYs or Neutral Rockers signal is sent
case ‘1’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_1”, “0”); break;
case ‘2’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_2”, “0”); break;
case ‘3’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_3”, “0”); break;
case ‘4’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_4”, “0”); break;
case ‘5’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_5”, “0”); break;
case ‘6’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_6”, “0”); break;
case ‘7’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_7”, “0”); break;
case ‘8’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_8”, “0”); break;
case ‘9’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_9”, “0”); break;
case ‘0’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“DATAPANEL_KEY_0”, “0”); break;
case ‘A’: sendDcsBiosMessage(“CK37_RENSA_CLEAR”, “0”); break;}}
I looked for ready-made LEDs with boards since i didnt need any special size or form
Really nice! How did you make that throttle?
How did you guys manage to make those well-looking buttons and switch?
wow I don’t know if you still are online but it looks really good even if I dont understand everything. I was wondering if you had the measurments of the cockpit or are you going on felling?