Alright…hear me out. I know the Su-25T is a far cry from the Su-25UTG, but I still want to be able to land the T on the Kuznetsov. So, I followed these instructions, but I still can’t seem to get it to work:
Went into EagleDynamics/DCSWorld/Mods/aircraft/Flaming Cliffs/Input/su-33/keyboard and copied this setting from the default.lua file:
{combos = {{key = ‘G’, reformers = {‘LAlt’}}}, down = iCommandPlaneHook, name = _(‘Tail Hook’), category = _(‘Systems’)},
Pasted it in the:
EagleDynamics/DCS World/Mods/aircraft/Su-25T/input/Su-25T/keyboard default.lau under the “systems” portion:
– Systems
–{combos = {{key = ‘R’, reformers = {‘LCtrl’}}}, down = iCommandPlaneAirRefuel, name = _(‘Refueling Boom’), category = _(‘Systems’)},
{combos = {{key = ‘R’, reformers = {‘LAlt’}}}, down = iCommandPlaneJettisonFuelTanks, name = _(‘Jettison Fuel Tanks’), category = _(‘Systems’)},
{combos = {{key = ‘=’, reformers = {‘RShift’}}}, pressed = iCommandAltimeterPressureIncrease, up = iCommandAltimeterPressureStop, name = _(‘Altimeter Pressure Increase Su-25T’), category = _(‘Systems’)},
{combos = {{key = ‘-’, reformers = {‘RShift’}}}, pressed = iCommandAltimeterPressureDecrease, up = iCommandAltimeterPressureStop, name = _(‘Altimeter Pressure Decrease Su-25T’), category = _(‘Systems’)},
{combos = {{key = ‘G’, reformers = {‘LAlt’}}}, down = iCommandPlaneHook, name = _(‘Tail Hook’), category = _(‘Systems’)},
But to no avail. Tried doing some arrested landings and my plane just rolls over the wires.
Any ideas on what I’m doing wrong?