The Atari 2600 Is Back, Backward Compatible, And It’s Got Wood

Think these are gonna sell like hotcakes, even if its just for nostalgia and collectability…


cool… my very first gaming system. Played it till the mid 80’s when I saved up for a Commodore 64. :wink:


I still have dozens of carts in storage.


go through them, some of them are worth around 500 bucks, so I read.

I usually love retrogaming but that price is waaay too steep.
Well, for me at least.

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I think it might possibly be an idea, to make a speed-run through some pawn shops and grab up any ancient cartridges which might soon become suddenly coveted original classics instead of tag-sale junk.

I have a few Atari and Nintendo carts that are worth north of $1,000…
Those were the first things I looked for when packing up things from my father’s estate.

I think my parents got rid of all of ours in the previous century!

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You could have said millennia and it still would have been accurate, methinks.

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