The Korean jet showdown

Apologies for that but it really was unfounded lol! You saw my amazing display last night. The only person in danger of my flying or shooting skills was myself!
I was really looking forward to playing with the f86f last night as well. My thought was to warm up on hollo pointe and then attack the museum relic campaign.
I ended up playing ace combat 7 and getting stuck on mission 6 and going to bed in a huff :joy:

That’s the score attack where you are up against a timer, isn’t it? It’s a female dog. I failed that about three times with only about 300 points to go (ie one kill!) Only when I played some multiplayer to get the points to buy me a hellduck did I manage that one. What a bear.

That’s the one. God its a pain. I nearly managed it with the mig21 and its cannons last night but failed 600 points off.
I have tried the multiplayer to build up some XP but it’s really not my sort of thing lol.
I think the f2 and its rocket pods are the way forward but I got stressed with it last night and couldn’t face listening to the bloody voice overs for a 4th time :joy:


Warthog got me through it. Brrrrrted my way straight through first time.

Good old hog.

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Boss Hog :smiley:


I did try farming on multiplayer like you did again but its just awful on there lol my aged brain can’t move like it used to

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heh I just got shot down a lot TBH. Didnt matter, made about 50k a round.

I need this on the door of my DCS A-10’s boarding ladder.



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You still need this? can do easy! :smiley:

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Yes man! but perhaps hold off on doing it until hog 2.0? Or would you be willing to re-do it? Of course that’d have to be an 80’s euro1 green hog with a colored hogmouth nose art :wink:


Comme ca :arrow_up:

oh, oh and I almost forgot, your awesome version of the mudspike bomb on the nacelles!


LOL! Sure, why not! :smiley:I just reminded myself there’s a little wishlist I still have to complete.
And a certain World War II , Italy at war Epics to complete as well…

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Been hoping you might consider taking up that project again. :sunglasses:




Done- it’s not the 100% cleanest job but I’ll re-do it better with the Hawg update.
Gimme an E-mail and I’ll send it to you!

As soon as you’ll receive the .zip un.zippit in the Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Bazar\Liveries\A-10C folder.

:smiley: Have fun