The Official 4th Annual Mudspike Christmas Flight - 2018 Edition

Tenth entry for the Christmas Challenge.


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The Boss takes a deep breath.

-I heard that you didn’t land at the old Mariscal Sucre airport last time… is that true?
-Well, sir… it didn’t exist!
-What do you mean, “it didn’t exist”?
-Well, there was nothing there!
-So you mean to tell me that I sent you to an aiport that just… that just “wasn’t there”?
-Yes, sir.
-You’re insane.
-I went there… there was nothing there.
-I don’t believe you. Are you sure you just haven’t made dozens of mistakes and look everywhere BUT the airport?
-I swear.
-On your momma’s head?
-You’re a madman, Mister Charles.
-I get that often…
-Well, at least you didn’t crash my plane. Your Christmas Challenge is starting to get quite expensive. I hear the MAD company is crumbling under debts.
-That wasn’t me, that was…
-I don’t want to hear it, Mister. Do you know how much it costs to get all these fancy planes in the air because you just want to look cool and take pretty screenshots to post on the internet?
-Umm… A lot?
-Wrong. “A lot” would be like last year’s challenge. This time, it’s “Too beaucoup”. Get me?
-Come on, now… I paid for these planes!
-About that… Your wife called… she said she’s sick of eating Kraft Dinner for breakfast, lunch and supper.
-She’s exaggera-
-Listen. We’re gonna give you something more reasonable.
-Reasonable… cheaper like what? A C152?
-No. Cheaper like something that’s completely free. You’re getting Manfred Jahns’ C-47.


LSHIFT+5 shows the interface.

The checklist system works really well.

Right engine comes alive!


Waiting for an A320 to clear the runway

Setting up my navigation radios

Consulting some notes on engine power settings

Rudder effectiveness at 40 kts, tail comes up at 60 kts, accelerate to 85 kts, then rotate. Simple enough.

Taking off

The initial climb is quite difficult. The mountains are high and the air is rare.

Capturing the first VOR radial: QMS

3.4 nm from VOR QMS. Magnetic declination for Quito is approx. -4 deg

Switching frequency to VOR MNV. DME distance seems ok.

Climbing gets more and more difficult at this altitude

I find a small passage between two mountains

These mountains are truly a breathtaking view

Curse this weather!

Is this england or what?

Finally crossed the mountains

Look at all these flat lands. Yay!

Rain now… I can’t catch a break!

I recognize that lake. We’re on the right path.

Approaching Manta

Running landing checklists

Approaching at 85 kts


Vacating runway

Shutting down engines. Phew. Finally made it.