Heh, and that’s one reason I stopped talking to my wife about my hobbies long ago.
The less I say, the less chance of saying something wrong…
Heh, and that’s one reason I stopped talking to my wife about my hobbies long ago.
The less I say, the less chance of saying something wrong…
I have thought about not talking to my wife about flight sims but…there is just something so cute about the “Oh please dear God, take me now!” look on her face when I say, “Oh, you should have seen me on this Mid-21 mission last night…”
Heh I use it to counter her ranting about her boring office or programming things. “yeah. uhuh. certainly dear, yep. But did you know you can ripple fire zuni rockets from the A-4E? it’s awesome!”
You have no idea how much I’ve heard about auto and property insurance over the years.
I could probably be a fair to above average underwriter at this point by osmosis alone.
Sage advice.
They do get married in the end…oops, spoilers, They do get married in the end
Kirk and Martin!? Damn that movie was ahead of it’s time…
A film where neither of the leads was liked by the rest of the cast, crew, or USN people who worked with them.
To be clear, I meant Farentino and Ross, not Douglas and Sheen who are of course liked and respected.
It is amaizing that the launch trailer has some 1.1 million views on YT.
(well, half of that probably comes from me)
It is really a masterpiece.
How many times did YOU watch it?
One more time…and it’s all your fault!
Pretty damn nice,
no idea what’s the storyline but hella good.
Tomcat flies, everything else dies. What more do we need?
That’s pretty much the story line of Top Gun…
And look at how successful that movie was!
Except for loving to Take My Breath Away and volleyball to Playing with the Boys.