I flew it for years on a 1070. And even with sickeningly low framerates and pixely mess graphics viewed through your auntie Maudes’ stockings it was, has always been a truly glorious experience.
Hey Guys,
I was gonna ask a question about a program but let me make sure it is ok to discuss it here first… I have a Win 10 Debloater Program I am trying to use are they frowned upon here at MudSpike?
As long as you’re not sharing ways to illegally obtain software, I think you’re in the clear.
The only personal experience I have with Windows debloating is a Powershell script that made it look like Windows 7. Quick Access back to “this pc” etc. This was used when in the initial builds, Cortana couldn’t be turned off and stuff like that.
@Freak, Yes I do not do illegal software. and would not share how to obtain it if asked… so no worries there.
OK I went ahead and ran the program to get the screenshots of the program and what parts it removes.
here is the 1st Pic Privacy Settings:
the ones here I am unsure of what they do and is it safe to remove them
A. Assigned Access
D. Kernal Debugging
Here is the next part System Components:
A. Device Lockdown Embedded Experience
C. Easy Transfer
E. Manual Setup Inplace Upgrade
Here is the next section System Apps:
- Assigned Access Lock App Depends on Assigned Access
- Content Delivery manager Needed for out of box experience
- Credential Dialog Host
- File Explorer App
- OOBE Network Captive Portal
- OOBE Network Connection Flow.
- Quick Assist App
- Setting Sync
- Win32 Web View Host
- XBox Console Companion (IS this required for WMR?)
35 XBox Live (Required for WMR?) - Modern External GPU Eject App (WTH is this?)
Here is the next Remove Windows Apps:
- Camera (is this required for my G2 VR Headset?)
- Desktop App Installer ( I am thinking I need this to insall 3rd party apps and programs?)
- XBox Console Companion (is this required for WMR?)
- XBox Identity Provider (Same as Above?)
There is one more question I have do I need to run the following to remove the Windows Apps (Remove Menu)
- Remove Windows app using Apps list.
Do I need to select that or will the previous menu of remove components remove all the above in Pics? this is a little confusing as I did not do this the last time and all those app I did remove seem to still be in Windows as I did not remove using #2 in the remove menu.
So basically I only need a rundown of this things I listed above and if they are safe to remove for my Install of Windows or will it affect any Logon or WMR Services and such?
Not sure if you have seen this thread There are several VR tweak links. Check out Thud’s VR4DCS link specifically. The shaders mod work and fps gain will depend on which version you use.
@ Chaz, Yes I have seen those mods but did not see the link you sent had some good links there I will try them…
But as for the VR4DCS I am trying to omit most of that with the MSMG Toolkit so I can get a barre bones OS install without all the bloatware running…
I will give the VR Mod another go.
“Truly glorious” … there we go again! What drugs are you using? I want some.
these trees are a must for vr imho.
I have 1080TI and 9600K , 24gb DD4 3000mhz etc…
Reverb G2 here and i say that its bare minimum to play SP and in heavy MP scenarios its ■■■■.
DCS is still so mess what comes to VR performance that i really , really hope that Vulkan support is made right… maybe then
And sorry for rant, bad day etc
OK List of things I found for Win 10.:
- Assigned Access : Starts a program after bootup so only the program that is launched can use only that program… point of sale or Kiosk setup NOT Needed for Gaming…
. Kernal Debugging: for debugging Win NOT needed for gamers unless you need to debug Windows…
Device Lockdown Embedded Experience: Locks down the device. I do not want to do that so for me I can omit it…
Easy Transfer: to Transfer files and folders: for me NOT needed…
Manual Setup Inplace Upgrade: This will reinstall the OS over itself for me not needed…
Assigned Access Lock App Depends on Assigned Access: for me Not needed…
Content Delivery manager Needed for out of box experience: when Cortona talks you through the setup Process: I can leave this.
Credential Dialog Host: States it is for the SQL Account need to find out if this is linked to microsoft account?
File Explorer App. Needed for Win 10 DONT OMIT…
OOBE Network Captive Tool: needed for Win 10
OOBE Network connectio flow: needed for Win 10.
Quick Assist app: Remote Connection can delete.
Setting Sync: Sets setting and such across network. for me NOT needed!!
Win32 Web View Host: for displaying messages like in notifications: Win 10 needed …
XBox Console Companion// XBox Live: for tracking certain games in Xbox and PC: for me not needed can omit.
Modern External GPU Eject App: Not sure if needed but I am going to omit it…
Camera: this is for a connected camera or webcam: I dont think it is linked to G2 Headset I will try and omit it.
Desktop App Installer: Not sure if I need it but will leave it.
Xbox console companian: not needed will omit.
Xbox Identity Provider: not needed will omit…
So I found this all out on Microsoft Docs, Why didn’t I think of that earlier haha!! Well I am off to make a new Win 10 install…
Well I made and installed the new Win 10 ISO but for some reason a few of the Windows apps are still there. perhpas I did not take them off as I had thought I did…
Either way I am on a slimmed down version of Win 10 and all is well so far… Now to know if it helped IDK but it sure seems it…