Over the next week we have to do some maintenance on the Discourse site and it’s underlying Ubuntu OS install. This update could bring the site offline for some time (ie: hours).
Obviously, we do not want disrupt all of the off-topic digression discussions that keep our community happy, so we want to let you know what is happening. I will post an update here with the anticipated date and time for future updates (some of which could occur at short notice - if the update is deemed to be, hopefully, not significant).
I would recommend that during forum downtime, the discord server would be used as a backup communication channel until service is restored.
If you have questions, or concerns, please let us know in the comments below.
Is a moderator going to come and defibrillate me if mudspike is down for more than half a day? How quick are you likely to respond to my increasingly frantic calls for help? I’m not sure I’m going to be able to cope.
Am I going to lose my uninterrupted log on stream if we go past 00:00? Do we get an award (I survived the great mudspike outage of 2020)
What will happen to the Mudspike mugs? Will the logo disappear after a while?
I don’t think I can process this.
We have two hamsters working in shifts to provide power. A third hamster is on standby in case of illness, vacation, or general malaise in the Primary and Secondary hamster. @Fridge is going to pause the site to feed all three hamsters. Sometimes, the hamsters enjoy not being in the wheel and are reluctant to return to their duties. Once we hired a female Aux Hamster and that was a disaster trying to get Pri and Sec back to work.
Dude! Missed opportunity! You should have built a holding pen for the female Aux hamster that’s set in front of the running wheel. She should be visible and smellable to them. Make Pri and Sec think they are running towards her. You might even power charge your tesla on them now!
I’ve been planning a flight in the Sf25c when I’m allowed to fly again (current estimates are 2 weeks for solo flights) to the IOW. I am thinking of making a day of it with the wife and this could be a nice place to take her…
Derail…but a useful one
Hey everyone. I am going to try to get some forum maintenance done on Saturday morning. The forums will be in read-only mode, or down, for most of that time. I will update this thread when the maintenance has completed.
As an alternative communication channel, I recommend our Discourse channel.
Thanks for your patience.
Only things missing @staff in this announcement are the time zone of the aforementioned Saturday and a link to the Discourse? (Discord) channel for those wanting to follow along with the updates and have not already joined.
That is meant to be a joke. If I was doing this for work, I would have start and end times, detailed contact info, etc. I forgot in this case but it is worth knowing: It will be Atlanitic time (ADT) morning. And the discord link can be found in the ‘loud speaker’ icon on the top right of the page. I think. Maybe.
Good to know and quite useful information for planning my next Mudspike fix after the forum update begins.
It is under the bull horn but a note about how to join the in the Global announcement would have pointed that out succinctly since it still seems to be missed quite regularly.
The server is being…difficult. Poor @Fridge has probably started to throw things at his monitor by now. The new GeoCities format will be worth it in the end though…