Upuaut's Bell-47G/H-13 Sioux for DCS World - Teaser

I sure hope so…! That’s why I joined.


An Australian would read that sentence completely differently than the rest of us… LOL

ha…my bad.
@moderators: Could you ignore my previous request to ban Troll? Thank you!

I’ve also got some more news from Upuaut. The flight model is an edited version of the huey one, he tweaked the mass, power and rotor area. He also plans to do a medevac, armed and amphibious/float(!) version. :grinning:


WOW!!! I’m sure that bubble cockpit would be incredible in VR!!

Soooo, @EightBall, where’s the pre-Beta test version? :smiley:

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A certain australian here.

Wot we wersshippin’ maaaate.

Now i was going to post a picture of Micheele Jenneke’s face (as body photos not aloud) but strangely enough, her face is not what comes to mind when thinking of Jenneke

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Some new pictures of the agricultural and medevac version :slight_smile:


That is very cool! Looking forward to this :slight_smile:


That last shot is amazing. I’m assuming Starway’s Vietnam. I wonder if Upaut has plans to age that skin a bit? Would be icing on the cake.

Yup, forgot to mention it.

[quote=“chipwich, post:30, topic:3635”]
I wonder if Upaut has plans to age that skin a bit? Would be icing on the cake.[/quote]
Yes I think so, right now he’s focusing on the 3D model

Well, cough should he need lowly handymen to do bulk texturing of sort… cough cough

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A little smattering of mud in those skids please @komemiute :wink:

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Nothing would make me happier! :smiley:

I’ll ask, again :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Not trying to sound ungrateful for the work until now. More of a “in a perfect world” scenario. I’d happily fly a spanking new Bell 47.

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no worries :wink:


It truly is a marvelous machine and quite a bit different to the huey FM


Thanks @Cib.

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Working for the wife- can’t check… is it for download yet?