Viper update

Ever since the DCS Viper came out this is the button I keep pushing, hoping this time it would do something. Used CRUiSe page all the time in BMS.


Push the button and, viola!

*no, not really related I just liked the idea of it :slight_smile:


No, that’s the BOOZ button. We’re talking about CRUS. :wink:


I like the idea of that too! :joy:

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From The Waginator :eyes:
Dear all,

Although we released a large and well-received flight model and flight control system update earlier, we have not been sitting on our hands. We will soon be further improving these aspects of the Viper.

  • You will be able to attain up to -3.4G. Bring on the creative jinks!
  • Removed FLCS flight transition mode between gear down and gear up. Nose will be rock steady. Same holds true if you get slow and the flaps come down. This results in a much more stable nose pointing in a fight.
  • DFLCS roll rates have been improved/increased.
  • The yaw oscillation when on the deck at high speed is a memory.
  • With sufficient energy, the Viper will now hold 9.3G.
  • Gear down / AAR door open roll gains have been adjusted to be more accurate.
  • Takeoff and landing mode FLCS gains have been improved.
  • DFLCS gun compensation has been improved in roll and yaw when slow.
  • Manual Pitch Override (MPO) switch will override the negative G limiter.

Kind regards,




I wonder if those fix takings are useful for long range strikes under EMCON… I also wonder if one could script for strict EMCON conditions, making even use of the radar altimeter a giveaway that alerts the defenders.


For a single unit that might be relatively straightforward with basic DCS scripting. All you’d need is the argument numbers of the radar altimeter, radar, tacan mode, etc.


Only issue I had (two or three years ago), if I recall correctly, doing the same with radio frequencies (what freq a given radio was tuned to) was it seemed to be a rather expensive call performance-wise. Who knows what they’ve fixed/changed since then. But the functionality, if you can find the codes (I may have some for a few platforms buried in my ref. material), should do the trick.


A really good question.

@Freak and @jross have one way of doing it and probably the only way to detect using the radar altimeter use.

From my RW experience, in general, radar altimeters were considered a low probability of detection signal. So using the RALT to ACAL would probably not give e you away, especially if you used it sparingly; on just for the ACAL and then off again. TPOD is obviously very “stealthy”. The FCR would be the the one method of ACAL that would break a good EMCON state.

In DCS world, FCR’s are detectable by platforms with a RWR capability. I haven’t seen specific ESM ground platforms, but would think that aircraft like the A-50 MAINSTAY have RWR capability.

There is a lua script in the DCS manual (LUA PREDICATE trigger) that one can use to trigger a detection of any kind by a specific platform. In this case, a Red MAINSTAY (Group name RED_A50) vs any Blue radars, would look like this:

local _group = Group.getByName('RED_A50');
if not (_group and _group:isExist()) then return false; end
local _controller = _group:getController();
local _targets = _controller:getDetectedTargets(16);
for _index, _target in ipairs(_targets) do
if _target.visible then return true; end
return false; 

The line “local _targets = _controller:getDetectedTargets(16);” is the key. The value “16” limits the detections to RWR

All possible detections codes:
1 = VIS
8 = IRST
16 = RWR
32 = DLINK

I have used VIS, OPTIC and RADAR and they work. Not sure if RWR would work since the F-16 FCR would be in AG mode vice AA mode. Also AWACS and A-50 have large radar coverage…they might have you on radar before they get a RWR hit.

Yep, a very interesting question.:slightly_smiling_face:


Wow, incredibly detailed and thorough response!
It’s great to have a real-life USN Intel expert and DCS LUA expert in one guy!


:rofl: I claim no expertise in LUA and my USN Intel experience is nearly a decade old! Yikes!

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Not sure if this is also an idiom in English, but in Dutch we have an expression:
“In the land of the blind, One-Eye is King.” :wink:


Same in English…will have to check Norsk.:sunglasses:


Considering most of the systems in DCS are well over a decade old, that’s hardly a negative!



Looking in my FAC (forward air controller) code I see this “note to self” from about a year ago:

– crashes with STATIC objects.Old post here about it…
– SEE:
bug report link

if detectedObj.object:getCategory() ~= Object.Category.STATIC then
– do appropriate stuff

I’ve reached a point where I need to re-visit this so I may have an update or correction in a couple of weeks. If I recall it took me an hour or so to figure out that STATIC objects were the culprit. I use them as targets (ie; Special Ops force needs you to take out some kind of structure) and I think this apparent bug was not handled in my code yet. But again this is on the plate for next week.

Just looked at that link again and it was “Reported” four years ago but nothing there since. Note I’ve not re-searched it yet.