Virpil releases new Rudder/Anti torque pedals with damper

New ‘sway bar’ type pedals that are pushed down, instead of in…
Could be a good option for simmers with limited space under their desk.
Also has a damper that can be tightened to hold the pedal angle.

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I got the non-dumped version and am happy with it so far

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Hmmmm… :thinking: Could this be the answer to the problem of rudder pedals sliding on the floor? I have tried many “solutions” and none seem to be totally satisfactory. My current set up is Saitek pedals secured to the floor. If I want to adjust the seat-pedal distance I must move the seat. Works well enough but not easily adjusted, then readjusted at all.

For @Troll, I don’t suppose living closer to Virpril World HQ makes shipping times shorter? (He asked with hope in his heart … :worried:)


That one moves back and forth, right? These pedals move up and down.

Probably…? Since the pedals move up/down as opposed to forwards/back, you won’t be pushing yourself backwards.

Shipping is typically two days if using DHL. Do not use FedEx because they ship with Posten in country. Come to think of it, don’t know what kind of representation DHL has at ANX? Maybe check that first.
But that’s shipping… VPC has about two weeks lead time. Shorter if you happen to order at the beginning of a batch production.

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Look nice, but I couldn’t live without toe brakes.


No, me neither. But I guess if you’re a die hard heliflyer, these will do the trick.


No. The one I have moves up’n’down. It is an earlier version of the new one, only without damping.

Virpil? Got a picture?

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Oh dear, sorry @Troll !

You got me uncertain and now I can see it is actually VKB :grimacing:

The same (up / down) philosophy though.


Aaaaah! Right, I had forgotten about those pedals.

was wondering what makes this VPC offering 50 gold better than the VKB. but the damper could be worth the difference.

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Actually pretty good. We get things from them all the time. I still have not figured the Post system for which store they send our packages…sometimes the COOP in Dverberg, sometimes the Joker in Risøyhamn.

(For the non-Norsk, COOP and Joker are chain neighborhood grocery stores. In Norway, the Post Office is in stores.)

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LOL, as I was at the cashier in the Joker in Risøyhamn, they had a DHL sticker…so I guess that’s where I’ll go to get my DHL packages.