Total Dad joke but I like it.
They even got the colors right.
Guys- in case you wanted to see a real life Plasma cannon…
Sounds and feels like something out of the first Half-Life’s scientific Research Labs
This one had me stumped for a bit.
I mean: I have the excuse of being German, but it took me a while.
Yes, I never got the etymology of the “Bob’s your uncle” idiom.
I researched its origins but the only hypothesis I could find (wiki also has it) doesn’t sound too plausible to me, it could be true though.
It is still kinda weird.
But idioms often are. Here in southern Germany we say a dialect variant of “the pear is peeled”. It is not quite as absurd as the English one, but as a kid it confused me (I tend to take things literally).
Honestly, that makes more sense to me. A peeled fruit is an end game…you can’t go back, and it’s usually the objective…other than eating it. Yeah, it’s odd, but there is a logic that can be worked out.
There is no implied finality in declaring someone’s relation to you. It’s one of the most random I’ve ever come across.
Never heard the Pear one. Must be Schwäbisch.
Der Kittel ist geflickt
The suit has been patched up
I think its origin is actually Pfälzisch, but in northern Baden-Württemberg plenty of people also say it, usually as “Die Beer isch gschält”.
Other than that high German has “Der Drops ist gelutscht” (the candy has been eaten) and here in the south we also say “De Käs isch gesse” (the cheese has been eaten).
The closest I could find is:
“Bob’s your uncle” means that everything is taken care of for you—you’re all set, you’ve got it made. The expression apparently dates back to 1887 when the original “Uncle Bob”—British Prime Minister Lord Salisbury—made his nephew (Arthur Balfour) Irish Secretary in a move that reeked of nepotism.
If you really wanna confuse foreigners. “Roberts your fathers brother”
I am your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate.