VPC MongoosT-50CM2 Base USB Connectivity Issue

According to HAVOC it should be VPC.CNT.LITE. Its currently set to VPC.CNT.LITE. Im at a loss.

I just opened my Base and the PCB is VPC.CNT.LITE V05. SO I found a setting for VPC.CNT.LITE5 and now everything works. Phew. TY for your help.


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My CM2 base does the same thing. Pick CM2 base and any stick, and once the profile is loaded it shows up in the VPC software as a CM base. Not sure why Virpil hasnā€™t taken he time to fix it, but it works fine anyway. Shows up the same way in the Win10 Game Controllers applet.

Great! Now youā€™re officially a VPC hacker! :wink:
That software started out as MMJoy2 by the same developer. Itā€™s not the most intuitive software there is, but itā€™s quite powerful and if you need help, Vitaly ā€mega_mozgā€ is very helpful.

Really? Must check mineā€¦ :thinking: