I have played the more peaceful version of this game. It’s really enjoyable…and a good workout!
This thing looks like it would be blast!
At least until the motion gave me a pounding headache!
I have played the more peaceful version of this game. It’s really enjoyable…and a good workout!
This thing looks like it would be blast!
At least until the motion gave me a pounding headache!
A free Oculus VR experience.
Something a bit different. Warning: You will likely feel quite somber, afterwards.
A bit of an emotional time capsule.
DEMO (Download link on Steam Store Page)
My Verdict: Kawaii single or multiplayer casual VR Mecha/Robot shooter.
For Rift & Quest
Discover Pollinator Park in Montenegrin
EU award-winning virtual reality tool Pollinator Park shows what our world would like if we lost insect pollinators. For the World Bee Day, we’ve partnered up with the Delegation of the EU to Montenegro to produce a new version for audiences in the Western Balkans.
Montenegro, a small country on the Balkan peninsula, has some of the richest flora and fauna in Europe and highly diverse ecosystems. The country is home to about 3,250 plant species and an estimated 16,000-20,000 species of insects. But all this, just like elsewhere in Europe and the world, is in danger of disappearing.
Explore the magical world of Pollinator Park in Montenegrin, and discover how you can turn the tide.
Ok, this is getting deep,
Troll will be ok.
Summer of 2006. My girl at the time talks me into a snorkling trip on the Great Barrier reef. On the boat a bunch o babies and Grandmas makes me feel this is safe. But i got stung by an iricangy. I was med evac. 2 days later i was stable. Six weeks later i was racing
Wow you are extremely lucky to be alive my freind.
You also have the ‘honour’ of being stung by Australia’s most painful creature:
Why is it every time I think about visiting Oz I see an article like this and am back to “nope!” Honestly a drop bear attack would be a preferable fate.
It was the worst pain i have ever felt. I was convinced i was about to die. I am still scared of the ocean. The full body cramps went on all day till i could not move. I remember thinking “this is it”. Made my peace and thought about what kind of life i led. Ill never forget when the SAR team arrived in thier shiny suits and helmets. They gave a shot of magnesium and the cramps released. They took to the choppa (some super Huey) and off we went. Four days later i was out of intensive care. The shocker was how i had to think about walking.
I could live 100 years more and never forget about that day.
Magnesium? Or was it Potassium?
Magnesuim, it stopped the cramps. Used on seizures.
Your bones will start to shiver. For no mere mortal can resist, the evil of…
DEMO (Download link on Steam Store Page)