I’ve been a big fan of how Laminar Research has hopped on the VR train early with X-Plane - and their implementation (including their hand controller integration) is still a few steps ahead of P3D. Lockheed Martin is making inroads now though.
I hadn’t updated my P3D v4 install since way before my summer vacation, so I finally got around to it last night. Their native VR improvements have come a long way. The really nice thing is that you can toggle VR on and off without having to exit the sim - you just go up to the menu bar and deselect it and you are back in 2D play.
With regards to performance, things are much, much better. I’m using medium settings and am finding smooth performance in complex scenery. Most airplanes work fine, but I did find the TFDi 717 was a bit too resource heavy. Almost everything else seems to be fine though.
I don’t know if hand manipulators are working in any respect yet (I haven’t tried) and their “mouse dot” is not nearly as easy to use as X-Plane or DCS implementation…but they are getting there.
Once you are in VR, you get an additional VR settings menu with some minor adjustment things - but the “single pass rendering” seems to give me the best performance.
Sorry for the Rift split goggles view…
One of my favorites in P3D - the Iris C-27J…
She looks like my ex-girlfriend…
External views look very good and cinematic in VR…
Instrument readability is pretty good…
The C-27J night HUD view is fantastic in VR…
The RAZBAM Metro III is one of the best looking 3D pits in VR that I’ve ever seen. A shame I don’t know how to start it…haha…
Fokker 27 is a nice plane too. Instruments seem a tad “shimmery” in VR though…
The JustFlight Arrow III is probably the best piston GA aircraft I have for P3D. The textures are just phenomenal, and it has a fantastic feel…almost…very AccuSim-ish…
So if you haven’t dipped your toe back into P3D VR, give it a whirl…I’d like to hear what other’s are experiencing. I’m just thrilled that I can keep my detail level high, am getting fluid frames in dense scenery areas (ORBX), and the sim is looking very pretty.
This makes me extremely interested to give the Aerosoft A318/319 Professional a whirl in VR…