VR News 2023

A few shots from Instagram of Vrgineers displaying RAZBAM StrikeEagle*


VR FlightSim Guy tests the Pimax Crystal

TL;DV is very sharp image. Even better than the Varjo Aero. Better vertical FoV but about the same horizontal FoV. The wide FoV lenses will be released at a later date. Som initial problems with getting the headset to work and low performance. Considering the very high resolution and upsampling needed to counter distortion, that’s probably to be expected. Teething problems with Pimax headsets is nothing new though and will probably get sorted out.

Will watch his vids as he gets more facetime with the Crystal…

Edit. Apparently performance is much better using SteamVR, in MSFS. The first impression video was made in OpenXR. Sounds a bit strange and suggests there’s something in the Pimax software that needs fixing. Again, not unheard of regarding new Pimax releases…


Another boost for us wireless VR flight simmers?


:eyes: :eyes: :eyes:


Yeah, the Somnium VR1 does look like a contender…
35PPD is the same as the Varjo Aero.
120° Horizontal FoV is about 30° better.
90, 120 and possibly 144 Hz sounds exciting!
Configurable from basic headset with options to add stereo passthrough and/or eye tracking.

I like what I’m hearing, but I can’t shake the icky feeling I get from Somnium Space.
Now, I don’t think you have to register there to use the headset and I’m probably just yelling at clouds.
Their headset definitely is something to watch out for.

Here’s the article that the video is referencing.



Thank You Troll for providing the article link…I always forget something :grinning: Ahhh…Age.

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LOL! :smile:
The link was in the video description. I just thought I’d drop it here for convenience, knowing just how lazy we all are… :wink:


Speaking of stereo passthrough vision…!

These guys are onto something…


I am keeping an eye on this one too.

At some point my G2 will need to retire (still holding strong, tho) and atm there is not much to choose from or to be looking forward to. I mean real stuff, not just concepts.

But dunno. On the paper Somnium looks great but it seems to be a small business that can vanish quickly together with their support.

I would rather some bigger player enter the hi-end VR segment.

Btw. the music from the second video reminded me of GTA 4 loading theme.

What a great story it was, wasn’t it? Sorry for derailment.


You didn’t with an Occulus until FB became Meta. Somnium need something as a hook to get people into their ‘Space’ :thinking: I would keep yelling at clouds.

The nature of the business models of companies like Meta and Somnium means their vision for the future of gaming is something like this:

Don’t worry you will be able to get rid of those annoying pop-ups for a fee and if you sign up for an account that will let them track your every move on the internet.


AFAIK the facebook link requirement has been removed as of august last year.
But it is a potential issue to look out for.
We’ll see when we see…


Yep, but I’m pretty sure that initially ‘Zuck’ was on record as saying it wasn’t going to be optional? As VR becomes more mainstream (i.e. beyond gaming) there will be enough people prepared to accept tying themselves to Meta or Somnium or the next metaverse start-up, that it will be inevitable.

OK. I’m a cynic and a pessimist, but like all pessimists I’m never disappointed :stuck_out_tongue:

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When Facebook bought Oculus, they said a fb account would not be a requirement. That changed and changed back again…
But they are all in it for the money. Sure, some of the tech devs are probably enthusiasts on some level, but they too want to get paid.
So, who knows. It is a matter of concern to me as well. It will depend on how they do it.

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I guess the Quest 3 and the new Apple headset, may be something to look out for too. And the next Index iteration. Valve are big enough.


And now Oppo are getting in on the act. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/31/oppo-mr-glass-developer-edition-launch-specs-mixed-reality-tech.html It will be good for VR if more players enter the market.


That’s news to me! Cool!

Absolutely! :+1:


The problem with Meta for me is that they try and force or shove you in the direction they want you to go, rather than let you decide for yourself. They are already doing it now and I think that will just get worse. That started the end of my interest in their headsets. I need an FB profile for my biking groups, so I don’t mind the account connection at the moment, but I take precautions with it such as using a particular browser only for Facebook and nothing else - and it’s a portable browser, too. I also rarely post on my own page and even when I do I delete it as soon as whatever message I was sending has been received and understood. Yes, they’ve still got that, but others who may get in haven’t.

I can’t say I have anything in particular against FB that I don’t have against Google, Microsoft et al - afaic they are all as bad as each other, but I recognise that if I want to use the internet and have some kind of presence on it I have to accept them, even if limited. All 68GB of files on my Google Drive are manuals and documents that are publicly available with the exception of a couple of videos and audio recordings. I’d never put personal stuff on there and I was mortified when I found a list of all my phone contacts on there - twice (once after deleting it all and telling them I didn’t want them to hold it online).

None of them can be trusted - but again, that’s modern life, you just have to be aware.


So the Apple Pro Vision has been announced. It will shake up the industry and hopefully encourage other players to enter the VR market or lift their game if already in the field.


No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame.


I love Apple design and I swear by my iphone, ipad, Macbook, etc. I am totally sold on the :apple: ecosystem. Others read what I just wrote and think sucker! :smile:
I hope this is going to be a catalyst for VR development. Maybe the fact that Apple is in, will push others into the fray?
Other than that, I don’t think this headset will mean much for us windows simmers, though.
There is of course a possibility that it will flop…
Apple aren’t always successful when it comes to new hardware.
What are they selling that a Quest 3 can’t give…?
Mac OS integration?