I just started reading an old classic…. Nicholas Monserrat’s The Cruel Sea. I haven’t got too far into it yet. The Compass Rose is still being fitted out and the characters are being introduced. I’m thinking I might have to pick up Destroyer: U-Boat Hunter in the not too distant future.
this could work too
Oh yeah that one’s right up my alley. Didn’t they make a documentary about that?
I read “Black Aces High” quite a while ago and I remember it to be an extraordinarily good book.
hmm have not seen that. They recently made a pretty good (entertaining if slightly changed) TV adaption of the first part of the book. Considering it was BBC it was more like Amazon/Netflix production.
Just finished that one, again. That period should fit with DCS though I really don’t know how up-to-date the one we’re getting is (did I just admit I was buying it?).
And…I was flying a test mission yesterday where I had to go to a “Kill Box”, one that had no JTAC - think Easter Egg Hunt.
The Hornet ground RADAR just wasn’t cutting it (I never found the FROG) and, as I was leaning in (in VR), straining to see if that slightly brighter pixel than the rest might be something…I thought about the F-15E RADAR. Yes, that’s what I need.
here some must-read for F1 jockeys
also the paperback available here
I have one of those plus a different book on Iraqi Mirages at War. Really nicely done. Tom Cooper is a phenomenal author and I have several of his books in my library. Great insight into the issue he’s writing about with a great balance of artwork and photographs.
The other book I have on Iraqi Mirages at War is done by another gentleman who does a nice job as well. Very detailed book with which I would highly recommend. Here are some pics of the book and what’s inside. Much detail in operations and use plus photos with graphics and some really nice artwork.
sounds and looks interesting. unfortunately cant find ebook version of it. I stopped buying paper books long time ago (not really true; I buy good paper books, from time to time, on local bookstore sales).
I am the exact opposite. I don’t have any ebooks and never will.
That does look good. I just bought it.
I felt the same way for a long time until my wife got me a kindle. I actually prefer digital now for books that I am on the fence about getting, reading PDF’s etc. I will get a paper copy of a book I like, even if I already own it digitally, but I’ve saved a lot of shelf space over the years on stuff I was “taking a chance” with. Also being able to throw my kindle in my bag on a long trip and have a couple hundred books to read versus being able to pack 2-3 at most is great.
For me it’s about having something tangible in my hands, sitting and reading it comfortably in my favorite chair. When I was a kid, my mom always took me down to the public library every other weekend where I would pick out several books to read and just fell in love with books. I would go to bookstores as a kid and just browse for hours etc., my grandparents, when I would visit them always took me to book stores and let me pick out a couple of books to have. I just love books. I can see the utility of electronic versions of books like in a kindle and I do red pdfs obviously for stuff I’m researching online but I am so weary of having everything on a computer that I just need time and space to have some sort of privacy away from electronic devices.
I like both methods, and I was reluctant to switch years ago but my eyes are aging - I’m not, just my eyes
Got 200 analog books on the self next to me and twice that on my I-Pad now. Love the convivence.